Chapter 6

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As the memories flood in, I start to hyperventilate.

I feel arms wrap around me and secure me in a little cage of warmth and security.

As I look I see Jimin hide his face.

Y/n: "Hey?"

He looks up, and anger is almost an understatement of what Jimin is right now.

Jimin: "He should've decided to go to hell than mess with my family."

I widen my eyes.

He smiles but I can see the veins popping out of his neck.

Jimin: "He is now considered my son. And you are the only person I love."

I smile and nod.

But I can't think of his words right now. I can only think of Jong-hyun.

Jungkook: "Yes hello? Yes, I'm Jeon Jeongguk. I'd like to report a kidnapping. Yes. We're at (location). He ran away. Mhm. Well, we know who it is. His name is Chanyeol."

He nods and then looks at me.

Jungkook: "What's his surname?"

I rack my brain then remember.

Y/n: "It's Park."

Jungkook nods and then talks to the operator and when he finishes he comes up to me and hugs me.

Jungkook: "We'll find him. I promise."

I nod and hug him back. When I let go, I look at Jimin and I feel tears.

Y/n: "Jimin-ah... I'm scared...I don't want him to die...cause if he does... I-I...I don't know what I will do.."

I huh myself as I picture seeing Jong-hyun gone and dead.

Y/n: "I...I..."

Jimin: "ssssshhhh... it's going to be okay...I promise.."

I sob as I feel everything come to me in full force.

I fall to the floor with my face in his chest and I scream and soak his shirt.

He strokes my hair and as I try to calm down, we hear a knock at the door.

We all head downstairs.

Policeman: "Hello. I'm here to help with the kidnapping."

I nod and I talk to him and give him details of Jong-hyun and Chanyeol.

Y/n: "My son looks like this."

I pull out a picture of him. I printed it out as I thought it would be lucky.

Y/n: "He's a newborn and I am so terrified what Chanyeol might do."

I tremble with fear amd anger.

Policeman: "We'll find him. Good day."

I nod and as I close the door I immediately head upstairs.

I close my door and go to his crib.

I see his binky and his blanket I bought him.

I can see him sleeping there peacefully and having his little pout that I found adorable.

When I look at the pictures Jimin took of me and him, I smile with tears streaming down my face.

When I swipe to another picture, I widen my eyes and then smile.

It was Jimin holding Jong-hyun in his arms and kissing his forehead.

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