Chapter 7

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I look over and I see a girl with a hoodie and a mask on descending from the stairs.

I raise an eyebrow.

Y/n: "Who are you?! How did you get in here?!"

I hear her chuckle, before she grabs out two sawed off shotguns and then a whole crew of men come down the stairs behind.

???: "For us to know...and you to never find out."

As they come closer, we all have our hands raised.

Y/n: "Look...I don't know who you are and I don't know what you want...but...we don't mean any harm."

She chuckles again before stating

???: "I know what I want...and what I want..."

She points the gun straight at my forehead before saying

???: "You."

She then puts one of her shotguns away before going behind me and-

I slowly open my eyes and see a familiar basement....

I widen my eyes and look around.

I hyperventilate and remember what happened in this place and try to break free.

Y/n: "No..No...Not here again."

The lights turn on and I hear heels click.

IU: " again."

I did my eyes as I see IU walking closer to me.

She's wearing a blood red suit and I gulp.

Y/n: "Why...why-"

IU: " my brother!"

I scrunch my eyebrows before widening my eyes.

Y/n: "N-No..."

She smirks.

IU: "Oh brother is Xiumin. Your son's father."

I gulp and feel myself tremble furiously.

IU: "What...what are you...WHAT DID YOU DO JIMIN?!"

I think of myself before thinking of Jimin.

She laughs and as she looks back at me, she has a etched out smile.

IU: "Don't worry... he's safe where he is....for now."

I see everything turn red and all I want to do is rip her teeth out of her terrible smile.

Y/n: "YOU BITCH!!"

My head is whipped to the side as I feel her palm make contact with my cheek.

I spit out blood once I feel the pain of my teeth sinking into my cheek.

IU: "You won't ever talk to your master that way again!"

I look back at her with my face in disgust.

Y/n: "I will never be your slave you sick bastard."

She smirks before squatting tow my eye level.

IU: "You don't have a choice."

She then...kisses me.

As I widen my eyes, I try to pull away, but she grabs my face and makes me kiss her.

As she lets go, I pant. She didn't let me breath.

Y/n: "What the hell?!"

She stands up and smiles.

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