chp 4

375 31 1

Finally the college was over. When I came back home it was empty as always. I made my way to beach where  I can Finally be happy.

While I was walking through the sand, I made my way to my personal space near the beach.

About five minutes later, I was sitting on the sand with my legs stretched out, and my hand were in sand at back having my body weight on them. I was facing the sun that was setting now.

Watching the sun drowning in the sea water is something everyone loves to watch. The beautiful color spread across the sky,  radiating vibes of calmness made me relaxed.

My hair were now in updo, with few strands waving trendily on my face with the wind.

The waves were touching my feet now and then.

"Hey, mute girl! What are you doing here?" Voice I heard was definitely of Suraj.  But what is he doing here!

I turned to the direction of the voice to see him sure, standing with a small smile on his face.

Half of his face was glowing due to the sun's rays falling on his right side.

"What are you doing here, girl?" He asked again when I didn't reply.

I pointed my finger to his chest then down to the ground, and then with hands gestured what.

"What am I doing here? Is is what you want to ask Mute Girl?" He replied smriking and I nodded yes.

"Well, what can I say? I missed you so much little Mute girl. I just can't stay away from you. I am sure you missed me too!" I just rolled my eyes at his statement.

I took out my mobile and typed, "well, sorry to burst your bubble, I did not miss you!" And showed him. After reading my text he snatched the mobile from my hand.

I tried to take it back, but whenever I was close to take it he moved it further away, but after few try he gave up. And skillfully passed it to me.

I didn't know why was he doing so?

After that I went back to place on the sand to gaze it beautiful view.

I was quite a time till the sun finally was setting, just a little reddish orange part of circle can be seen now.

"So, where do you live my Mute girl?" Suraj asked, breaking my trance.

I got up and started walking my way back to home. Sure it was late now. It was so werid that I was not angry that he was calling me Mute girl, it should sound insulting, rather i just feel special.

"Do you remember where do you live? We could be lost if you are just wandering here and there!" He was still following me and making comments once in a while.

I walked till my house with the annoying boy trailing behind me with his comments.

What a life!

I was a step away from my house. I turned around and with my thumb indicated the house for him to understand that we just arrived the destination.

He just nodded.

He was just staring me for a while and then when he made no effort to move I raised an eyebrow to ask what was his problem.

But to my utter suprise he walked towards me with a huge smile and when I thought he was about to say something he walked further till my house and turned the door knob and moved inside.

What the hell! What is he thinking! My brothers will freak out the movement they see him. I'm still in so much shock that I didn't realize that I was standing at my porch with shock Expression. While,

Suraj is inside.

Yash is inside.

And the biggest thing- Shivam is inside.

Then what the hell am I doing here outside the house?


Vote and commet!

Will upload soon!

Till then Miss me 😉😉

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