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Alfred had a rather awful dream but he couldn't remember much of it. At one point, he believed he saw Matthew in danger and that was it. In his second dream, he stood in a mirror looking at an opposite version of himself. The person's hair was darker and his eyes were dark, combined with piercings and a terrible weapon in his hand. The person on the other side taunted him but Alfred couldn't hear what he was saying. The reflection glared and frowned and Alfred tried to avoid it. After that, Alfred couldn't remember.

He woke up earlier than usual. He could tell by the position of the sun coming in from the window that it was much earlier than noon. He blinked several times and discerned three people from three flesh-colored blobs. He saw Matthew and gave a weak smile. It was slightly comforting to see his brother looked so relieved. Speaking of which, why was Matthew looking so happy to see Alfred wake up. The other two were Arthur and Francis. Their faces were indifferent but Alfred sat up regardless.

"Why didn't you wake me if we had guests over?" Alfred asked Matthew. He kept the blankets at his lap due to fact he was dressed in only shorts at the moment. Alfred tried his best to cover his chest with his blanket.

"It's just Arthur and Francis. They're here because last night was really weird?" Matthew explained.

"Weird how? A lot of weird things happen," Alfred countered. He went to the bedside table and slipped on his glasses.

"Well, you kinda called me Temperance and you looked a lot like World without your glasses and red eyes," the Canadian said. He sheepishly looked away and Alfred gawked at him.

"I had red eyes," he exclaimed.

"Only for a second."

"Red eyes!" Alfred look at Matthew like he on fire. "Arthur what does it mean?"

"Not sure. Since it isn't happening now, it might be a fluke. The rest of us haven't had something similar to that happen," the Englishman said. Francis nodded along but refused eyes contact with Alfred.

"But it could mean a lot of things, right? What if World possesses me? What do we do to fix it?"

"Defeat him like before," Arthur said with a shrug. "We did it before."

"In the dream world," Alfred countered. He frowned at how lightly Arthur was taking this.

"He does have a point. What if we hurt instead of World?" Matthew argued.

Arthur mulled over the possibilities. "If that happens, I can bring us all into the dream world. It's not hard. Are you fine with that?"

"Yeah," the two brothers say at the same time with a short nod.

"In that case, let's be going back. I am not look forward to plane ride home," the Englishman said. He shook his head and put a hand up to his temples. Truth be told, he didn't really like air travel, though he was exceptional at fighting above. The water suited him more.

"Oh, we'll see you off, right Alfred?"

"Oh, yeah, Matt, just let me put on some clothes," Alfred called out as he hopped out of bed and made a quick dash to his walk in closet. "I'll just be a second," he said in a muffled shout.

"Alright, meet you downstairs," Arthur replied as he went out into the hallway with Matthew. He paused and look to his side.

"Francis," Arthur called for the Frenchman but he didn't seem to register it. He staring off into space and still sitting on the bed. "Francis!" Arthur tried again but the other didn't react.

"France?" Matthew tried.

Alfred walked out the closet fully dressed. He look to the other's concerned faces and then to Francis. He walked over the man and set a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, dude," he starts but Francis swings his head to look him in the eye. His eyes were slits as he watched the other carefully. He pushed Alfred's hand off of him and stood.

"I... recall you. Yes, you helped start this unfortunate... situation," he said. The bite in his voice was evident and Francis turned his glare to Matthew and landed on Arthur. He face softened and he smiled. "Ah, but it was a good end. To be by your side, even now."

"Uh.. you're not France," Alfred comments. Matthew audibly scoffs.

"We can't return back to our world. Not anymore. The Priestess could explain better. Though our world may be the place we resided, it's not the only place that we can come out. Something is happening. I'm nothing like the Magician, but he must know something is going on, or else I wouldn't appear like this," the Arcana spoke. He looked like Francis and spoke like Francis but the two are very different.

"I am Judgement, but something unjust is coming this way." The Arcana stood with Francis's body and the closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he looked very confused.

"Mon dieu, what happened? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Matthew, call up everyone now! Alfred you help Matthew. Francis and I will head to my house. Get everyone to go there. God, I'll have to check my book," Arthur called out to himself.

Matthew scrambled with Alfred to get their contacts list from the office. Having all those phone numbers on hand at all times was a little ridiculous. Especially when Felik getting new number every month. Arthur grabbed Francis's wrist and drug him outside to their car.

"Angelterre, what's going on?"

"Judgement just warned us about something coming. With everything else, it can't be a coincidence."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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