Chapter Six

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— Ashenn Renaar, The Dragonlands, Andavaran —

This was beyond anything she had imagined. Ashenn Renaar was thought to be one of the few places in Ishara that remained connected with the Grave, a dark, shadowy, and dangerous realm few could reach and even fewer knew about. There were pockets scattered about the worlds, where their worlds touched the Grave, the two fabrics of realities clawing against each other. Often, in those places, came terrifying things that even nightmares would fear.

Ashenn Renaar was said to be a volatile land, filled with dragons, wild magic, and dangerous beasts unseen in other parts of the world. There were some that came to Ashenn Renaar looking for glory. Ancient legends suggested many lost treasures were hidden throughout the magical land as well as creatures fit for trophies of only the very best of hunters. Some came for the gold, others for the adventure, and the very stupid came to kill animals they wouldn't find anywhere else. Ashenn Renaar called to many but let very few leave alive. More often than not, their bones remained scattered across the wild land, forgotten.

Yet, despite all the dangers and the warnings she had received, Orianna Tor'Varyan had no choice but to push forward into the unknown. She cared not for lost riches, and neither did she believe in killing animals for sport. All she cared about, for the present moment, was finding the source of a pestilence that was plaguing villages along the border of Ashenn Renaar. The people were suffering dearly, but the Crown was embroiled in its own affairs and hadn't yet spared the resources to help its own subjects.

So, she would do it for them.

Strange, though, that the moment she had set foot in Ashenn Renaar, she hadn't felt the tremor of nightmares from the Grave, or even the ice-cold chill of danger. Instead, an unexpected, welcoming surge of magic had rushed to her in warmth and fervor through the ashen colored grass. For nearly three days now, she had been traveling these lands, but she saw no nightmares, only beauty. The wild magic conjured magnificent sights along the plains and over the mountains. It seemed almost to be playing with her, excited as a child in the prospect of a new friend.

The 'deadly' beasts she had been warned about only watched her from a safe distance, never attacking, never stalking. They were curious about her and followed along, a few brave enough to slip close. She had pet those that allowed her to do so and made certain to mind a respectful distance to those too frightened to approach. Even the dragons had come to see her. They danced in the air, their impressive and awe-inspiring forms gliding effortlessly overhead.

It was one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen. Ashen fields were dotted with patches of flowers made with the most vibrant of colors she had ever seen. They almost didn't seem real even as she bent down to touch their soft petals. Red willows and trees with leaves the color of sunset were brushed by a warm, gentle wind that came down from the Obsidian Mountains, and everywhere she went, the air sparkled with lights that flitted about, day and night.

It was a few days into her journey when she finally realized the lights were not lights at all, but, rather, the sparkling wings of tiny humanoid looking creatures. One had landed on her right hand, its tiny, black eyes staring up at her curiously. Ori had raised the small creature to her face as she and her most loyal companion, a skeletal raven perched upon her shoulder, regarded the newcomer closely.

It was small and delicate looking, no taller than her index finger, with wide translucent wings that shimmered and sparkled with light that seemed to generate from the flapping of the wings themselves. Their skin was a dark blue in color with what looked to be crystal shards scattered over its body that sparkled, too. Large black eyes peered up from their tiny face, long, braided white hair fell over their slender shoulders, and when they spoke, Ori could see the two rows of razor-sharp teeth behind their lips. Distracted by the sight for only a moment, she had been shocked to discover she could understand the tiny creature as they spoke a language that more closely resembled singing than actual speech. When she had told them what she searched for, the tiny creature had nodded and promised to point the way.

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