Chapter Twenty-Four

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—Kiverryn, Iskendryn—

He knew this city better than anyone. He had been born in Lower Town, in a crumbling shack of a house that hadn't boasted wealth but was filled to the brim with love and support from a family he cherished more than the world. He had spent his youth creating mischief in Lower Town, spent his adolescence trying to impress young noble girls he had no real interest in, in Upper Town, and now, as an adult, he spent his hours combing these same streets, protecting his city from criminals and killers alike. There was no street he hadn't walked a dozen times, no area he could not describe in perfect detail. He could walk from gate to castle with his eyes closed. That familiarity was the only thing working in their favor.

Sir Thancred ducked them into the next alley, narrowly avoiding a group of guards rushing toward the inn. He kept his back to the entrance, ensuring he would take the first blow if they were spotted. When the steps faded, however, he glanced over his shoulder. He peered around the corner. In his arms, Lulu shifted, pulling herself up so that she physically forced her face between his and the corner of the building. Cheek-to-cheek, they undoubtedly looked ridiculous, but Sir Thancred made a point of not moving. He did, however, look at her out of the corner of his eye. He found her looking back.

"What's your plan, hot stuff?" she asked with a grin shining in her eyes.

He pulled them back into the dark security of the alley. Setting her down gently, he readied his spear and shield. "We can't get into Lower Town with the blockade...The only place to go is The Path of Light's Sanctuary..."

"Oh, fucking kill me, then."

"I need to clear a path. You'll need to stay here."

"Like fuck I am!" Lulu pushed herself up on shaky legs. She had to use the wall for support, but she looked at him with defiance burning in her eyes as she withdrew her sword. "I am not sitting on my ass while a man fights for me."

"This does not have to be a gender thing right now! For fuck's sake, you're hurt! You're barely standing."

"Aw, you worried about me, Thandy?"


That seemed to be the magic word. It made her jaw clamp shut, her eyes searching his face as though she was suddenly lost for what to say. He let her flounder for a moment before he closed the distance between them, settling his hands on her shoulders.

"I won't tell anyone you took the day to rest. Your reputation'll remain intact."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Why do you care about me?"

To that, Thancred scoffed. "Have you met you? What's not to like?" With that, he pushed her down until she was sitting once more, her back pressed against the wall. "Stay here."

To his further surprise, she offered no resistance or departing remark. He left her there in the shadows as he sprung into the fray.


The city was in chaos. Half was burning. People were running through the streets, some in a desperate attempt to escape, others valiantly searching for loved ones who didn't answer. Ori stood amidst the carnage, her rage building with every scream, every cry, every drop of blood spilled. She could see the Sorceress moving through it all with a wicked smile on her face. She enjoyed watching this suffering, adding to it with every twist and turn of the staff in her hands. Ori watched it as she glided through the destruction. She could sense the staff's magic from here. So, perhaps, she hadn't been completely wrong after all. The Sorceress was more than she expected, but the staff...that was absolutely the Staff of Taerynas.

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