Chapter 9

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Hyuna convinced Jungkook  to wear  a tux after  bickering  for hours. She  had  secretly  gone out  to buy  it since  the  younger  didn't  own  any. Making  the  marriage  flashy  was  the  last  thing  Jungkook  wanted  but  clearly  he  was  letting  his  mother  in law  have  her way.

Jimin was  also  invited  but Jungkook could  make  out  that  the  older  seemed  on the  edge ever  the  day Ara was  born.Was  he  worried  about  her ? or was  it something  else .Jungkook just shrugged  it thinking maybe  he  was  still  thinking  about  losing  the  man he  loved. Well Jungkook  wasn't  in any place  to worry  about anyone  but  himself. He had  a lot  on his  plate as it was.A heap of trouble.

Yoongi  the  family  lawyer  was  also  invited. Hyuna  got Ara dressed  up for  the  first  time  in a white  princess  dress. Jungkook  couldn't  even  notice  that  his  own  daughter  had  gotten  piercings and  no one  told  him or asked  for his  permission  to do so.Grandmas

The  marriage was  quiet  simple. They  only  had  to sing their  marriage  certificate .

Theirs was  a marriage  of convincice with  equality .Jungkook  didn't expect the  marriage  officer  to actually  ask  them  to take  their  vows  and  exchange rings. He  felt  dooped  but  Hyuna  told  him that it was to make  it look  more realistic. Posing for  wedding  photos  is the  last  thing  that  Jungkook  wanted.

Taehyung  on the  other  hand  seemed  to be going  with  the  flow. He  didn't  object  to  anything and  seemed  pretty  comfortable.

Hyuna  suggested  that  the new weds take  pictures  with  their  daughter. Taehyung  had  become  Ara's  father  legally.

"Taehyung  makes  a really  good  father  dosent  he?"Hyuna asked  Jungkook  complimentary

Jungkook  just  flashed  a fake  smile  her  way.He  couldn't  wait  to remove  the  burdening  tux along  with  the  so called  wedding  ring. He  wanted  nothing  to do  with  any  of it.

After everything  was  done Jungkook  went  and  plopped  on to his  bed.Nothing  could  ease his  tonne  of guilty. He  felt  like  everyone  including  him  had  forgotten  about Namjoon .

Meanwhile Taehyung  and Ara were  totally  smitten  with  each  other

Hyuna feared  that  her  granddaughter  would  get  phuomoniae because  of how  much  she  was  laughing  with  Taehyung.

"You  know  your  dad don't  you? "Taehyung cooed  as he tickled  her  beneath  her  chin.

"You  haven't  seen  mommy  all  day have  you? Let's  go and  say  hie "

As if she understood Taehyung  she  immediately  started  bawling.

"Okay, okay I  won't  take  you  to him .Its  gonna  be you  granny  and  I .Would  you  like  that "Taehyung coaxed  and  her  sobs died  down .

"You don't  wanna  leave  your  dad  do you? "Hyuna  smiled.

Ara's crying  on mentioning Jungkook was  of a great  concern  to Taehyung. Would  a child  fear  her  own  mother  like  that much. Jungkook  was  also  longing  to see and hold  his daughter  but  she  seemed  pre occupied with other  people.

It made him  feel  bad that  Ara  was  comfortable  with  anyone  else  but  him. It is true  that  babies  read bad vibes  more  than anything. What  kind  of mother  was  he becoming.

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