Chapter 27

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Jungkook  came  back  after making  up his  mind  to put an emotional barrier between  himself  and  Taehyung. Everything  felt  numb between  them.

Jungkook  made  it impossible  for Taehyung  to reach  out  to him. His  manner  was  nonchalant  and  distant. Every night  he placed  Ara between them. Not  that Taehyung  had  a problem  with  it but  he  just needed  to talk  a fix what was  broken.

Jungkook  began to spent  most  of his  time  at his  father 's  hospital  always  taking  Ara  along  with  him.It was as if she  was  his  shield.

It was time for Ara 's routine check up at the hospital  and Taehyung  knew  that Jungkook  wasn't  going  to ask  him  to  come  along  so he got  into  the  younger 's car before  he could. Leaving  him  no option  than  to let  Taehyung  drive  them there.

After  the  check up Jungkook  had  to stop  somewhere  in the  hospital  leaving Taehyung  with Ara  in the  lobby.

"Jungkook, its  nice  to see you  here "

"You  too.I'm  sorry for  dropping  in without  an appointment. I had  come  with  Ara  so I  thought  I  would  get  my  own  check  up done"

"What  make  you  so interested in checks  up all  of a sudden "

"Actually, I  had  a momentarily madness  and  I  had  unprotected sex and  since  then  I  have  been  feeling so scared. My hormones have  been  unbalance  lately "

"You  want  to know  if you  are pregnant  or not"the doctor asked with incredulity.

"Yeah would  you  be able to detect  it if it's  actually  there "Jungkook nibbled on his lower lip.

"A blood  test would  do.Don't  worry. It  will  be  quick "

"Thank  you "

"Ara  what's  taking  your  mommy  so long "Taehyung  pouted  at his daughter who  found  him cute and giggled.

"Taehyung "a voice called from  behind .

"Tzuyu, what  are  you  doing  here.Are you  stalking  me?"

"Geez Tae, you  know  me better than  that "

"I really  don't  know  you .Why  did you come to my house uninvited? "

"Honestly  I  expected  better  from  you Taehyung. I thought  you  were  married  to a pretty  girl  who could  possibly  drive  me over  the  edge  but  nah.A guy? What  even? What  happened  to you? "she  scrunched  her  nose  in disgust.

"Is that so wrong? "Taehyung  retorted.

"It's  not  like  you. You  were normal "

"And  just  by what  do  you  mean  normal. Isn't  he a person. Dosent  he deserves  to be  loved "Taehyung shot back, his  eyes  icy.

"Did  he  trap you  to get  himself  pregnant. Maybe  drug you "

"Tzuyu  I didn't  want  to say  this  to you  but  please  just shut  the  hell  up.You  don't  have  any  right  to talk  about  him  that  way "

"Taehyung, you  don't  love  him  right. You  promised that  you  would  wait  for  me  then  what  the hell happened "

"I  guess  I  just  got  tired  of waiting. Who knew  when  you  would  come  back. I'm  not  the  one  who  left  in the  first  place. This  is all  on you.You  can't  just  drop  out  of nowhere  and expect me to run  back to you. Like you said  plans change as so do people.I have a life with someone  else. The  sooner  you  except that the better  for  you"

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