Chapter 22

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After taking a shower Jungkook  wore a pair hip hugging jeans  and a white wool cable knit turtleneck sweater. He  was  undeniably attractive. Taehyung  entered  the  room  in time  to see the  enticing view.

Their  eyes  clashed :Jungkook  challenging and Taehyung 's refusing .Breathing became a conscious effort for Taehyung as he responded  to Jungkook 's  electricity. Once  again  he was  spell  bound.

Taehyung muted made his way  and  sat on the bed whilst Jungkook was  in front  of him looking himself in the mirror.

"Are  you  going somewhere? "Taehyung  forced  himself to ask  as Jungkook was wearing  perfume  over  his  neck.

"I'm  not. Why would you  ask? "

"Can  we talk. Please  sit if you  don't  mind "Taehyung  offered hopefully.

Jungkook went  over  and placed  the  perfume  on the dresser  before  going  to sit on the  bed.

"I'm really  sorry  if my actions were  misconstrued  last  night "

"Misconstrued? "Jungkook  laughed humorlessly.

"Taehyung  I  didn't  miscontruct  anything. When  you  made  a move  on me   I  tore my pride  away  thinking  that  you  actually  wanted  me .I'm  not a cheap  slut and  I  just  don't  jump into  bed  with  any man. You  were  an exception  because  you  are my husband  and  maybe  I  thought we had  a thing  going  on but it was  just  me."

"Jungkook, where  is this  coming  from. I didn't  mean  to imply  anything. I really  wanted  you  but  did  you  look  closely  at the  position  that  we were  in.Most  of all  I  didn't  want  to lead you  on.Especially  if that  wasn't  what  you  wanted. I didn't  want  you  to hate  me  the  following  day"

"Just excuses. They  are  many  girls  out  there who  had  never  been  married  and  still  virgins.I  gave you  a chance  to walk away  but  you  didn't and  now  you  are  just  hurting  me. After all  its  not  your  fault that  I  had  been  married  before. You  probably  don't  want  your  brother 's  used  toy"

Taehyung 's  temper flared  tremendously that  he grabbed hold  of Jungkook 's  wrist.

"I  had been listening  long  enough  to your  blabbering  and  it has  gotta stop. Who even  uses such  words. Why would  you  think  that  of me. Jungkook  its  not  because  I  don't  want  you. I just  get  angry  at my  own  thoughts. Just  give  me  sometime to  fix it.I  really  love  you  and  I  want  you  so bad. "

"You "Jungkook  blinked

"This  isn't  a lie.That's  why I  wanted to  take things slow so you  wouldn't  feel that  I'm  only  after  your  body. I want  you  to let  me  love  you"

Taehyung didn't lie about getting  angry  at his  own  thoughts of his  brother with Jungkook. Was he  ever going  to get  over  the  fact  that Jungkook  had  been  with  someone  else  for  years  and  that  someone  not  being him.

He was  sure  that  he would  have  been okay  if Jungkook  was  married  to someone  who wasn't  his  own  brother.

As he was  deep  in thoughts Jungkook  plopped his  head on the older 's  shoulder as if it was  a habit of his.

"Can't  you  tell  me  what  it is.Maybe  I  will be able  to help  you "Jungkook  whispered.

"I'm  fine Kookie. I got this "Taehyung smiled fondly.

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