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"So that's how it is," Jun contemplated on what he had heard as he munched on his food.

Since their talk got interrupted when the professor came in, Aki explained what happened that night to Jun over their lunch. He made sure to leave out the parts about Zy though. It was enough to relive how he made a fool out of himself that night.

"Then someone from our university saw you and Liam going inside that motel when you were drunk. Wow, that's a classic rumor you got yourself into, like from a drama."

Aki kicked his friend from under the table.

"An unnecessary rumor. That's not what I needed at the moment," Aki cradled his head.

Jun finished his sandwich. "Still haven't found a new place?"

"No, and I only have 3 more days to find one," Aki stared at his friend, pleading through his eyes.

Jun saw through his ruse and was not moved. "I told you, you can't. My house is tiny, just enough for me."

Aki clicked his tongue. He had been to Jun's studio apartment. Besides, he knew his friend. Jun was not fond of having people in his personal space, like him. So he was not really betting on his friend. But he was in dire need of a roof over his head.

"You're so stingy."

"It's not like you can live with another person too."

"Well, I'm pretty desperate here," Aki said.

It was not like he was so averse to the idea of living with someone. But what if the other person chattered non-stop? Or super energetic in the morning, that he would be pressured to be on the same energy as well? Or what if the person loved inviting people over and party hard? What if, what if, what if.

So Aki would have wanted to live with someone he personally knew. Jun's no good. Surely, Zy and Drew would not be even better.

Besides, didn't Zy tell him that he was moving in with Drew?

Aki crumpled the food wrap in a tight fist.

Jun finished his sandwich and seemed to think for a while, oblivious to his friend's action. "If that's the case, I think I can help you."

"Juuuun," Aki pulled off his puppy-eyed look, trying to emulate Zy but could never be as cute as him.

"No, I'm still not offering my place and wipe that disgusting look."

Aki laughed as Jun mulled at his words, which was weird.

He met Jun during their orientation. Everyone had already found their own cliques and huddling in not less than five people per group. But while Jun bantered with different people, he mostly kept to himself.

Aki suspected that people mostly leave Jun alone because of his narrow eyes that seemed to study your entire life story, scrutinizing every detail of it. He could not help but wonder, that when Jun pulled that look, people stayed away from him. Meanwhile, if it was Aki, there were no stopping people from constantly asking him if something was wrong.

He found Jun while he was trying to find a corner to rest from all the chit-chat. That corner happened to be the seat beside Jun. At first, he was worried that he had to keep talking with the guy but soon realized that, just like him, the guy needed silence. They chose that corner to get some space from all of these strangers. They did not talk at all but when Jun left, he nodded at Aki as if they just had the greatest talk ever.

So when Aki entered the lecture hall and spotted Jun, he knew exactly where to seat. Then they just sort of stuck together.

Jun swallowed hard. "What I'm saying is, I think I know someone who is looking for a roommate."

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