Finals (1)

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The finals week started.

This week was the most solemn week in the university and every student resembled a zombie with their bedraggled appearances, bloodshot eyes, large and dark eye bags. Their faces seemed like they were glued to their books and notes. Some studied as a group. Others preferred to be alone. But mostly, the review sessions were held in silent murmurs and quiet readings.

Their university offers pre-finals. If a student gets high remarks with combined grades from prelims, midterms, and prefinals, they would be exempted to take the final exams. Jun was lucky enough to be exempted from exams for half of his classes. But for students like Aki who flunked the prelims magnificently and got low points for quizzes, they had to take the finals.

If there was one thing Aki was glad, it was that he managed to get the highest scores during midterms. At least, there was hope for him. The rest of his scholarship relied now on his pre and final exam results.

The professor who gave that difficult quiz, had them take another quiz. This time she stayed close to their reading material. But Aki did not let his guard down and studied every reading material he could get his hands on. The upside was, other than passing, it prepared Aki for the upcoming exams. Who cares about losing sleep, as long as he did not lose his scholarship.

He was aiming for a full scholarship. But if push comes to shove and he really did not make it, he also prepared himself to remain half scholar. He would just make sure to be more frugal and studious and absolutely, no more night out.

...but it still hurt his heart to think of slipping to a half scholarship.

Aki sunk back to his chair and massaged his temples. His eyes narrowed at Jun who was sleeping in front of him. He was envious of this laid back attitude of his friend. He asked his friend to study with him to have someone reprimand him whenever he procrastinated.

'Taking a break once in a while is okay right?'

He kept an eye on the sleeping figure of Jun as his hands reached for his phone and quietly slipped outside the library.

He leaned on a wall, his finger hovered at Liam's number on his phone. After getting permission from the department, Liam left for the country before the exam week started. Like Jun, he only had to take a couple of final exams so the professors agreed to give him a special exam once his family emergency got sorted out.

Aki's heart thumped as he deliberated whether he should call his roommate or not. Calls never failed to make him nervous especially if he was the one doing the call. What if he was disturbing Liam? Maybe texting would be better?

He prepared and mentally composed what he was going to say when his phone rang. The sudden ringing made him flustered.

"Hey," Liam said from the other line.

Aki felt himself smile. "Hey."

"Did I disturb you?"

"No, how's your grandmother?" Liam was only gone for a day and it already felt like they had not talked for an eternity.

"She's stable now. She overworked herself. Good thing, my-- one of the neighbors found her slump on the ground. Anyway, what are you doing?"

Aki updated his roommate on the happenings at the university and how the finals week was tormenting the students.

Liam laughed and it was so good to hear that sound.

"You shouldn't forget to eat and sle--" Liam stopped talking when someone seemed to approach him.

"You are here! I've been looking for you," a female voice sounded in the background.

Aki did not hear what Liam's reply was and his roommate hang up after, leaving Aki wondering who was that. It did not sound like it was his mom. It sounded too young.

'Must be an old friend. He studied there so of course someone's bound to know him.' Aki comforted himself at the thought and went back to studying.

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