Lava Java (2)

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Aki found himself sitting across the cafe staff who lured him inside their store.

Yes, lured.

She somehow managed to convince Aki to come inside in the midst of his confusion of seeing Liam. It was as if the world tilted when a waiter who looked a lot like Liam came into Aki's view as the waiter placed the customer's order on the table. He talked a bit to the customers before bowing and moving on to the counter to get some more orders.

His eyes followed this Liam look-a-like as his head tried to wrap around this whole thing. He was busy ogling when he heard a loud cough beside him and found the female staff smiling up at him. Aki could tell that she saw him watching her co-worker and his cheeks flushed.

Now, that same smile was still pasted on her lips as she watched Aki squirmed in his seat. She led him to a table in the far corner of the cafe that had a good view of the street but far from the rest of the customers. Aki liked this corner a lot, if not for the curious yet very amused gaze he was getting from her.

Aki let his eyes roam around the inside of the cafe. It had a quirky name of Lava Java but the interior was well lit. The white walls faded into the background of shiny wooden tables and chairs. Its decorations varied from plants to small-sized landscape paintings adorning those walls. On one side there was a shelf of books which the customers could read while enjoying their foods.

The ambiance was relaxing and Aki had fallen in love for Lava Java already. He would have loved to make this his new go-to hang out place if he only had the money.

"I'm not eating. I really don't have anything to pay," Aki said sheepishly.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable but--," she shook her head as though changing her mind and grinned, leaning back on her seat. "Don't worry, everything's on the house today."

She pushed the menu in front of him. Aki reluctantly thumbed through its pages, letting his eyes wander on the list of dishes and trying hard not to swallow whenever he saw an appetizing food.

"But if there's anything that you like that's not on the menu, just say so especially the desserts. We can make it for you. Our staff can do it."

"No, it's really alright. Just one black coffee and a sandwich please." As Aki said that, his eyes remained glued to the picture of parfaits in the menu. 'You can't Aki.'

"Do you have any food allergies? Do you like sweets?"

But before Aki could answer, another voice called out.


Aki tensed. His back was facing the direction of the voice so he could not see the person. But he did not need to see it. He heard it every day at home. The waiter he saw was really Liam.

He bit down his guilt and berated himself for feeling that as if it was a crime to see another side of his roommate. But this new scenery, new people, new side of Liam made him nervous. He rolled his eyes inwardly, 'Don't be silly. It's not like the working Liam is different from Liam at home or at school.' Yet despite his attempts to calm himself, he did not dare move. With bated breath, he waited until Liam came to his side.

"The chocolate cake is almost gone," Liam said. "I'll take over your customer while-- Aki!?"

Aki gave him a small smile. "Hi."

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