Chapter 2

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-Bella's POV-

I've been sitting around all day since I have nothing to do, it was getting close to supper time and I didn't feel like cooking so I got dressed and got in my car, my neighbors have been partying all day today and it's been nothing but noisy, so far I'm not enjoying my neighbors at all,I reached the restaurant and walked in . After I ate I went back home, and got dressed in a big T-shirt and some shorts with my hair in a messy bun, I laid in my bed all snuggled up in the covers watching TV, I felt my eyelids get heavier until I heard drums being played from next door, I groaned and shifted into a different position,"shut up!!" I yelled placing my hands over my eyes, I shoved pillows over my ears and slowly but surely fell asleep late that night.


I woke to sounds of drums still playing, I went downstairs and got some medicine because I had a pounding headache, I placed my arms criss cross on the kitchen counter and laid my head on my arms. I sat on the couch and rubbed my temples with each hand, I couldn't take it anymore, I shot up from the couch and stomped over to my neighbors house, I knocked very loudly on the door, the drumming didn't stop, I knocked louder and yelled,"open the door!!" I heard the drumming stop, I went to knock again and the door opened, there was a boy, he was wearing a red bandana wrapped around his curls, and black skinny jeans , he wasn't wearing a shirt and sweat was making his chest glow in the sunlight,,he looked down at me,"what can I help you with" he said smirking and propping on the door frame,"i..i, I'm tired...of hearing all this ..noise" I said stuttering loudly getting lower,i couldn't keep my focus,"would you like to see the drums?" he asked moving and holding his arm out for me to walk in, I turned my head towards the ground,"no, I want you to stop all the music, everything, I haven't been able to sleep the past two nights because of all of it and now I have a terrible headache and it just hurts" I turned my focus back to him and he had a big grin on his face,"i'm sorry, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be bothered" he said holding his hand out for me to shake,"the name is Ashton" I held his hand and shook it, he pulled it to his mouth and pecked my hand,"i'm Bella"he let go of my hand and smiled,"thats a beautiful name" I looked down at the flowers on his porch and scratched the back of my neck,"thanks" I said,"are you sure you don't want to see where that noise comes from?" he smirked showing his dimples,"I'm sure, I have a terrible headache" I said looking up at him,"alright, well anytime you want to let me know, I'll keep the noise to a minimum, sorry about that" he said standing up from propping against the door frame,"thanks" I said walking back to my house. I walked in my house and slowly closed my door locking the top and bottom lock,I leaned my back against the door,"what the hell did I just do" I mumbled closing my eyes, I can't believe I told him to shut up, he is hot as hell but he probably has a girlfriend so I'll keep quiet, I slowly walked upstairs and walked in my room , my curtain was slightly opened and I could see outside, I walked to my window and looked out, my focus started at the flowers in his side yard and then I noticed him playing the drums, they weren't as loud as they were this morning though, his muscles showing every time he threw the drumstick down onto the drum kit, and his serious face while playing them, I got lost looking at him that I drifted off into something, I got my focus back and noticed he looked over at me and smirked twirling the drumsticks in between his fingers,I closed my curtains and walked to my bathroom, he caught me staring at him, he probably thinks I'm a fucking stalker now. I changed my clothes and just chilled in my room, I got on Instagram and noticed he found me and followed me, I followed back and started going through his pictures, his profile didn't say anything about a girlfriend and I didn't see any pictures of him and a girl, but I don't know if it would be weird for me to date my neighbor, I got of my phone and went downstairs and fixed my some cereal, I noticed it was lonely being alone with nothing to do. I heard a knock on the door and I pushed my bowl so it wouldn't fall off the counter, I walked to the door and opened it,Ashton was standing there, I swallowed my food and brushed my hand through my hair,"um, hi" I said,"hey, I wanted apologize about being loud again" Ashton said chuckling,"oh, okay" I said smiling,"" Ashton said scratching the back of his neck,"come in, if you like" I said motioning him in, he walked in and looked around,"i like your house, very nice" he said in his strong accent,"thanks, where are you from?" I asked,"oh Australia" he said turning at me and smiling,"nice" I said smiling slightly,"i saw you looking at me through your window" he said chuckling,i put my hand on my head,"I'm sorry about that" he chuckled and smiled showing his dimples,"no your fine, I enjoyed seeing you again" I walked to the kitchen and started to finish my cereal,"you can sit" I said giggling,"i have a question to ask, its going to seem weird since we just met but I really need this huge favor" Ashton said walking closer sticking his hands halfway in his pockets,i got nervous and I know I turned red in the face,"yeah?" I questioned putting my bowl in the sink,"so um, my mom and siblings are in town and I kind of told them that I had a girlfriend, would you be my fake girlfriend for the weekend?" Ashton asked, seriously about and hour after I meet him he is asking me to be his fake girlfriend for his mom and siblings,"me? out of all the girls you know, me?" I questioned,"well, I only know a couple girls and their hoes for my guys friends and I don't want them around my family, and plus you seemed nice when you came over, you don't have to ,I'm not forcing you to" he said walking slowly from my living room to my kitchen,"that's sweet,it seems a little weird though, but I wouldn't mind at all" I said smiling,"great, can you be at my house around 6?" he asked,"sure" I said , he seemed happy ,"make sure to wear some something nice, we are going out to eat, and don't worry I'll pay" he said smiling showing his dimples,"okay, see you then" I said giggling,"thanks, is it Bella?" he asked,"you don't even know your own girlfriends name?" I asked giggling,"well she is my fake girlfriend" Ashton said chuckling," yes it's Bella" I said smiling and nodding ," alright, see you later" he said walking out of the front door,so I have a boyfriend for the weekend and I just met him, this should be good.



Hey, thank you if you read this book I hope your enjoying it, love you guys bye xX

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