Baby sitting duties

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After walking away from Richard I went to get changed I changed into a crop top and a pair of Richards comfy shorts before walking back in to the room. When I walked in he was getting changed so I went and sat on his bed before he turned to me and said "Ryan one of the guys from set just text me he's taking his girlfriend out tomorrow night and he's going to propose but he needs someone to watch their two kids while they go out i said we would take them from when we finish until the next morning is that okay ?" I nodded and said "yeah of course how old are they" Richard answered "4 and 1 I think, it's a little boy and girl" I nodded and said "yeah I love kids it will be fun" he agreed before coming to lie down beside me. After a few minutes Richard said "we need to be the coolest baby sitters the kids have ever had what can we do with them ?" We thought about a few ideas before we decided we were going to take them out to play football then come in and make cakes and hot chocolate then get them ready for bed.

We had planned the whole night out before Richard said "maybe one day we will have our own kids, do you want to have children?" I smiled at him and said "I do want to in the future yes do you ?" He nodded and said "I cannot wait to have kids" I smiled at him and cuddled in to him a bit while we wrote a list of everything we need on Richards phone.

At 1am we finally decided to get some sleep since we started at 7am the next morning so I lay my head on Richards chest after kissing his lips and saying "good night I love you" he kissed me back and said "good night love".

I woke up at 5:30 the next morning to the sound of Richards alarm I turned it off and we spoke for a few minutes before I got up and made us both tea/ coffee and a bowl of fruit. After we both ate breakfast I went for a shower first while I was in the shower Richard knocked the door I shouted "what?" Before I heard him shout "can I please come in to use the toilet I'll close my eyes or anything I just really have to pee" I giggled before shouting "come in" I heard the door open up and Richards clumsy footsteps while I was washing my hair I got out a few seconds after Richard left the bathroom and wrapped my self in a towel I realised I forgot to bring my clothes in so I wrapped a towel round my hair as-well  and walked out the bathroom Richard made a whistle sound which resulted in me punching his arm lightly he laughed before saying "see when I come out the shower can you cover this bruise with make up ?" Referring to his eye I nodded and he smiled before grabbing a towel and jumping in a shower.

While he was in the shower I put on some clothes and dried my hair. Richards came out with a towel wrapped lossy around his hips I signalled  for him to come closer and I put some foundation and liquid concealer over the bruise he flinched back and I apologised dabbing it gently with a beauty blender. After I had put the make up on his eye he went to get changed and style his hair when he was done we put our shoes on and walked to the set.

We filmed 4 scenes throughout the day and we finished up at 5 Ryan wasn't finishing till 6:30 so went went back to grab our bags for staying at his house before heading back to pick him up. We drove Ryan back to his house  and he gave us a breakdown of times for the two kids and took us in to meet them his girlfriend was obviously a little nervous about leaving them with us and she said to me "okay they have been bathed I just done that so they should be fine until we get home tomorrow but just make sure they wash their face and brush their teeth. Caleb doesn't like going to bed without someone sitting with him for a few minutes can you do that ? Caitlin is a good sleeper but she might  need a feed during the night if she wakes up you know how to make a bottle right ?" I reassured her that we would be fine and I took a mental note of all her times before giving them both a hug and letting them go.

As soon as they left we helped Caleb put on his shoes and jacket while I got Caitlin ready and got a car seat in for them both in Richards car and Richard said "right big man do you want to go to the shop with us and we can get some stuff for tonight and have fun ?" He nodded excitedly before saying "Caitlin let's go the the shopies and get stuff" Caitlin clapped her hands and laughed and me and Richard were practically in love with the two of them. I clipped Caitlin in to the car seat while I was talking to her in a baby voice before I heard Richard shout from the front door "I'll race you" before the both of them started running down the road Richard was ahead of Caleb but pretended to fall to let him win I laughed as I picked Caleb up and helped him get in Richards car.

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