Chapter 27: Goodbye Kota

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Ok so AN real quick. As you can tell by the title, this is going to be awful to write. You can probably figure out what's going on so brace yourself.

"Hey, Shitty hair. Take these over to round face."

"Geez, I have a name you know." Kirishima picked up the cutting board that had the recently chopped carrots and brought them over to Uraraka. Uraraka was chatting to Tsuyu while stirring the pot of curry. "Hey, Bakugo wanted me to bring these over to you."

"Oh are they the carrots he was cutting a while back? He is certainly good with that knife."

"Tell me about it...Remind me to never get on his bad side."


"Hey Ochaco"

"Something wrong Tsu?

"Where is that boy from earlier?"

"What you mean Kota? Um, I'm not really sure."

Uraraka looked over the sea of debilitated students, who all seemed on the verge of collapsing. As Tsuyu pointed out, the six year old was nowhere to be found. Kirishima furrowed his brow, also in confusion and weary. "I'm not sure either, you should probably ask Mandalay."

"Yeah sure. Tsu, could you watch over the pot for me?"

"Sure Ochaco."

"I'll stay with Tsu as well."

"Thanks Kirishima."

Uraraka walked over to one of their supervisors named Mandalay. She seemed to be the leader of the PussyCats, a four person group that was training them for the week. Training, mind you, that left them all drained and tired. "Umm, Mandalay?"

"Hmm? Oh yes?"

"Where is Kota?"

"Oh..." Mandalay sighed, looking down at her feet then back at Uraraka. "Kota doesn't take kindly to heroes. You see..." She paused for a second, considering what she was going to say, before looking back up at Uraraka, whose head was cocked slightly to the side, displaying curiosity.

"His parents where killed by a villian. He came to stay with me as his guardian. Because we are also heroes, he isn't too fond of us."

"Wait, shouldn't he be happy with your position? I mean, isnt he proud of his parents accomplishments."

"That's what everyone tells him. He seems to blame the entire hero society in general for his parents death."

"But that's..."

"Don't forget, Kota is still a child. He's looking for someone to blame. It just so happens that the hero society is who he blames."

"I see..."

Mandalay looked at Uraraka's expression, turned to her smiling and patted her on the head. "Don't worry, this isn't your burden to bear. Beside you need to keep your wits about you. Don't forget the test of courage the others are insistent in doing. When Kota comes back, I'll talk to him about leaving. You never know what's out there after all."

Uraraka smiled, bid Mandalay a farewell and ran back to Kirishima and Tsuyu who were in a deep conversation about their favourite heroes, with Kirishima talking about Crimson Riot feverishly.

Most were talking about the Test of Courage and how they would scare the crap out of eachother.


Mandalay gripped her head, allowing blood to run down her arm. The forest was enveloped in blue flames and a toxic gas. Students where crying out from deep into the woods and many students were behind her, terror and distress covering their faces. All of class 1B and half of class 1A where in the forest in danger of inhaling the gas or being burned to death and Kota was still missing.

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