Chapter 28: Struggle

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Uraraka felt a rope-like object wrap around her waist and hoist her of her feet,causing her to fly up high into the air, allowing her to avoid the knife that was nearing the throat. Tsuyu used this momentum to retract her tongue, pulling herself up to Uraraka shoulders. "OCHACO, USE YOUR QUIRK!"

Nodding in aforemation, Uraraka activated her quick, head spinning from the nausea of over using her quirk, and allowed the two to reach high altitudes above the trees. Tsuyu used her tongue to grab onto tree branches and pull them forward, alleviating the psycho's grasp on them.

Toga ran attempting to run after the two, but soon realised she wouldn't be able to catch up to them. It wasn't all for nought however, as the amount of blood Uraraka lost would give Toga enough to fill up one of the canisters, and render her quirk to be weaker. They wouldn't get far.

Toga instead focuses on regrouping with the others, doing a slight skip and a jump along the way. She couldn't wait to see Izuku again and show him her accomplishments.

Izuku chuckled at Togas bubbly nature. Despite everything, she seemed to hold that attitude quite well. It was like she was incapable of feeling unhappy.

Though, another thing caught his attention. Two B class students had taken down Mustard. Whether that was a good or bad thing was up for debate.

So far, their side had lost one villian and the heroes had around 7 students incapacitated by the gas, one was stabbed at least once in the arm, two heroes where MIA and one kid was dead.

All things considered, Shigaraki's plan was going okay. The only thing was that he himself wasn't there. Nor was Kurogiri. Seemed a little counterproductive to not have one of their best assets to not be on the battle field. Of course, no one really knew what was going through Shigaraki's mind.

Hell, his defiance to Izuku was idiotic, considering he was the one who brought him there.

As the screens flickered from person to person, more and more flaws where emerging on the heroes side. For example, one student had gone rogue attacking a student with multiple appendages who seemed at a loss of what to do. Aizawa did evacuate some students to a guarded classroom and Mandalay was still at the cliff outlook.

Then the screen switched to Bakugo.

He was with Todoroki and was facing a death row villian. Even though he was on their side, Izuku never really liked the guy. He always mumbled to himself, repeating thing like flesh and kill. He had to be bound, making him look like a Caterpillar, only with his teeth exposed. His quirk allowed his teeth to grow and strengthen, allowing for a good offense and defensive weapon.

Signaling to All for One to stay on the two students, Izuku observed, watching closely as the two attempted to fight the crazed prisoner.




Pulling on Bakugos shirt, Todoroki pulled the boy away from the line of fire, sending a wall of ice to block of the attack. The rows of teeth ravaged the ground and came close to decapitating them once or twice.

Bakugo on the other hand had the gears in his head whirling, trying to figure out the motive. Izuku had come to him with the warning, not the school. Either they were targeting him due to the sports festival or Izuku was trying to confuse him. Either way, his mind repeatedly became clouded, causing him to make rash decisions and dangerous moves, resulting in his sustaining various cuts or bruises.

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