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3rd person

Liz tried to calm down again, laying down on her stomach. She had her phone in her hands, staring at Amanda's name. Liz was fighting with herself. Should she call Amanda and try to talk to her or should she leave it and try to talk to her tomorrow?

She decided after five minutes that she would call Amanda and apologize.
She tapped on her name and on the call button. This obnoxious waiting tone came up. Liz absolutely hated it.
,,Pick up Amanda please." She whispered to herself, hoping that Amanda just finally answers.

Amanda's phone ringed and she stared at the name. ,,Fuck off." She said and locked her phone, canceling the call and turning on the airplane mode. She didn't want to receive any calls or messages at the moment.

Liz was upset. She tried calling Amanda for a few times and always got rejected. After some time she locked her phone and just tossed it aside to the edge of her bed. It almost fell down. ,,Why did I had to be this cruel to her?" Liz asked herself while flopping backwards on her back.
She took the pillow again, pressing it onto her face and screaming into it. She couldn't believe how she acted.

Her screaming was quickly interrupted when Liz's mother knocked on the door. ,,Come in." Liz mumbles still under her pillow. ,,I just wanted to ask if- hey where's Amanda?" ,,She left." ,,Without saying goodbye?" ,,Yes." ,,Did something happen?" ,,Ugh no. Just leave me alone for a bit now. I need time." ,,Okay Liz. But can we at least eat lunch together?" Her mother smiled, knowing that Liz can't say no to food.
Liz got up and wiped away the strands of hair that clung to her wet cheeks. She followed her mother into the dinning room.

Amanda's pov

I can't understand her reaction. I always wanted to go to this university and now when I have the chance, Liz comes and ruins it. I thought she would be happy for me but no. Ugh.

After I left Liz's house I didn't went home. I decided to take a walk through the park and then down along the beach. It was a way to calm myself down. Just walking and not thinking about anything.

Liz tried to call me a few times but I didn't want to hear anything she had to say anymore. She wanted that I leave so I will do it. I will move out of here and study at Jacksonville university.

I texted my mom that I would take a walk so she won't get worried over me being out a little bit longer. Then I turned on airplane mode and stuffed my phone into my pocket.

I just ignore everything and everyone around me while I walked through the park. I only noticed how beautiful the flowers grew and the silent whispering of the fresh wind. The sun as she threw shadows to the ground. My own shadow following me.

I walked around for about 3 hours and then went home with heavy almost numb legs.
My mom cooked for me to celebrate and I gladly accepted her food or how she called it her gift.
It's just food so why calling it a gift? The biggest gift is my family who supports me.

While I ate my mother and I made plans about moving. I would get my own apartment and live alone. I couldn't believe that I really do this. It meant I wasn't he able to talk to Liz anymore, but she wouldn't want to anyways.

This was my life now and no one, not even Liz could ruin this chance!


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