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Trigger warning


Liz's pov

I was scared to hear what Amanda experienced. It didn't sound good. His voice was trembling. It seems like he was unsure of telling me.

,,Well.." He began. He looked down. His body leaned against my car. Josh took a deep breath and carried on. ,,When Amanda attended the university..a lot of students weren't that kind to her. She was being very shy and other students especially the higher ones used that. They pushed her and commanded her. She was called a few bad things only because she was exposed of being bisexual."

,,Who exposed her?" Liz was curious. Not even she knew that Amanda was interested in both girls and boys. ,,Nobody knows." Josh shrugged with his shoulders. ,,Someone just said it and then everything kinda started." Liz looked up in the sky.

I wished it would have been different..
Josh then continued. ,,It didn't got better and after a while she was hiding every break. She was afraid that the other students could hurt her again."
,,They hurt her as well?" ,,Yes. They pushed her, slapped her and kicked her. It was unbearable to watch. I luckily got between them one time and saved her from having her arm break." He said smiling. ,,Did you got hurt instead?" ,,Yeah..but I just got hurt a bit. It's fine. After that Amanda and I became friends and I tried to protect her." ,,That's very kind of you."

,,Yes. It is. It wasn't as easy as I thought, but I still protected her..and so did she. We were and still are a team. We went through all the bad times and good times. Even when her dad.." He abruptly slapped his own hand over his mouth to shut himself. ,,Nevermind." ,,No please tell me. Her dad what? He was a good friend of my parents." Liz looked up at Josh. He sighed. ,,Her father soon died when Amanda attended the second year." Liz got quite. She hasn't expected that. ,,I'm sorry." Liz said. She didn't know why she was the one apologizing but it did hurt. She wanted to talk about this with Amanda so badly, but she feared that she may make it way worse.

,,Don't be. It's the past. I'm just glad that this is over. That was definitely a hard time for her..she..well..she hated herself and cut herself too. Amanda often thought about suicide...It was difficult for her and it wasn't as pleasing for me as well. I always helped her and it was hard getting her happy. Gladly I found some ways and we went through all this together." Josh smiled and finished. ,,That's good I guess. I wish I could have been there too, but it's in the past right?" Josh nodded. ,,Exactly." He smiled. ,,Now I think you should head to work right?"

Liz remembered. ,,What time is it?" ,,Around 9:40am." ,,Shit..Okay yes I really have to go now. Thank you a lot Josh." She got in the car, but before she drove away she looked at him. Come to the shop and you'll get a free smoothie for helping me." Josh nodded grateful. ,,I'll be there in thirty minutes!" He replied and both drove away. Josh to pick up Amanda and Liz to her work.


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