So this is the basic BTS fan fiction. A girl named Jasmine shares some interesting experiences with Jungkook of BTS and it shall continue from there. This is my first book and i don't know what I am doing so this book is a hot mess. All I can say is...
This chapter is in Jungkook's pov.. ~The next day~
When I woke up this morning I was thinking about yesterday. The more I thought about Jasmine, the more I liked her. She was different, she gave me a good feeling a feeling that I couldn't really explain. I was excited to see her again. I've never felt this way about any female before.
"JUNGKOOOOOOK! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I could automatically guess it was Jin. I sighed loudly as I walked down the stairs. "What...?" I asked unfazed. "Where were you last night!" He asked, he sounded like my mother. "At the movies." I said as I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of banana milk. "WITH WHO!" another voice said, Jimin... "Yea tell us Kook," it was Taehyung. "See y'all nosy as fuck! Does it matter?" I said a little annoyed. "Watch your mouth, and yes it does matter now tell us who." Jin scolded. "It was Jasmine okay." I said in defeat.
"Oh...your girlfriend!" Hoseok said with a smirk. I wish. "No, she's not my girlfriend!" I said defensively. "She will be soon...." Namjoon said as he reached past me to get to the fridge. "Now you guys are just picking." I said as I walked back up the stairs. I walked past Yoongi. "What's wrong with Jungkook guys?" I heard him say. "Nothing, he's just mad that we keep talking about his GIRLFRIEND!" I heard Namjoon shout as the other guys laughed. "O my God." I said as I entered my room. I laid down and opened my phone. I had a message from Jasmine.
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Me: lol Hai
Jasmine: wyd?
Me: Nothing much u?
Jasmine: I'm at work.
Me: O..when do u get off?
Jasmine I'll have to work until 8 p.m.
Me: wow...I thought the place closed at 6
Jasmine: IT DOES, but Mrs. Cha said I have to stay behind and clean to make up for the day I missed.
Jasmine: I wasn't sick I was hungover doesn't count.
Me: lol
Jasmine: was it funny?
Me: yep, that's what u get
Jasmine: whatever
Me: Alright well text me when you get off.
Jasmine: ✌🏽
Me: ✌🏻
I exited out of my messages and went downstairs. I was going to go see Jasmine it was almost 6:00 and I knew she would probably be there bored so I would pay her a visit. I ignored my hyungs making slick remarks about me going out. "Don't forget to use a condom!" Yoongi said before being shushed by Jin. "Just make you are back before 12 we gotta practice tomorrow. "Okay!" I said as I exited the dorm.
I caught a taxi, I wasn't that far from the restaurant, I could've walked but I didn't want to. It literally took 5 minutes to get there. The taxi arrived outside of the shop. I thanked him and payed him before stepping inside. I remembered to take off my shoes before entering. It was empty and I couldn't see Jasmine. I was about to text her when I heard someone singing.
"Tell me I'm the best, I am I'll be feelin' like, yes, I am, I am You know I'm the best, ah yeah You'd be a fool to not take me as I am Tell me I'm the best, I am I'll be feelin' like, yes, I am, I am You know I'm the best, ah yeah You'd be a fool to not take me as I am.."
" Hi.." I said as she froze in place. "O um...hi" she said shyly. "You have a really pretty voice" I said smiling. "Thanks" she said. Cute. "So...why'd you come here, it's 6:00 it's closed." She asked as she started to wipe the tables. "Well the door wasn't locked now was it?" I asked stepping closer to her. "Well I was about to lock it but you're in here now aren't you?" She said now facing me. I never realized how short she was compared to me. In order to make eye contact with her I had to look down and she looked up at me. "You're short..." I said putting my hand on her head. "You're tall" she said as she smacked my hand.
"I came here to hangout with you. I know you'd probably be bored so I will keep you company." She smiled when I said this. "Aww, thanks."
Time passed it was now almost 9:00. We just spent the time asking weird questions and laughing at cheesy jokes. Of course I helped her clean too. We even sat down and ate a small dinner she made for us. I really enjoyed hanging out with her. It was nice and she was really funny. It was kinda like she was my bestfriend. I liked her more than that though but I didn't know if she felt the same, plus this was only our second time hanging out.
At around 10 we decided it was time to go. She locked up the restaurant. "Want me to get you a cab?" I asked. "No it's fine, I'll walk" She responded. I don't really want her walking at night by herself. "Well let me walk with you at least." I said trying to convince her to let me accompany her. "Mmmm..okay, my flat is this way." She said pointing to the left.
She began walking it took us about 10 minutes to get to her apartment. "Thank you for hanging out with me today." She said. "It was no problem." I said. She opened her arms "hug?" I nodded as I held her in a tight embrace. I wish I didn't have to let go, I could just hold her forever, she's so sweet. We pulled away from our hug, her scent leaving my nose.
"Well I should go now, goodbye." I said as I started walking back to the dorms. "Bye, bye!"
~Time skip to dorms~
I made it back to the dorms but when I got there all the lights were off. Either everyone has gone to sleep or Namjoon and Jimin hyung blew a fuse by plugging all their unnecessary things into the wall.
I slid off my shoes and silently made my way up the stairs. Everyone's door was closed and the lights were off so I assumed that everybody was asleep.
I made it to my room and pulled off my shirt and pants. I was too tired to shower so I just got into bed and from there I dozed off.