I awoke to the loud blaring of my alarm clock on my nightstand, I sighed in frustration as I shut the annoying beeping off as I rolled out of bed in defeat and made my way to the shower.

I lived in a very tiny apartment in the middle of Seoul, South Korea. I originally moved here because I attended Seoul University, I completed my courses but I decided that I wanted to stay in Korea, I wasn't ready to go back to the States just yet. I got a job here as a waitress because I am only 20 years old and I wasn't ready for a full time commitment of a fancy job of some sort, but being a waitress was enough to put food on the table and pay the bills.

I finished my shower and went through the basics, I brushed my teeth, did my facial routine and as for my hair, I just tied it into a curly puff at the back of my head. I didn't really use makeup because I already had pretty clear skin ( a/n can't relate fml) so I just threw on some lip gloss and made my way to my little bedroom (aww lol). I slipped on a pair of jeans, a plain light blue T-shirt, and a pair of white tennis shoes. I grabbed my backpack that I got from some store on the side of the street and put my wallet, keys, and lip gloss in there then made my way out the door and into the busy streets of Seoul.

I was making my way down the side walk, it was sunny outside today and the wind was cool, not too cold and not too hot, the perfect weather to be outside. I enjoyed Seoul weather, maybe it's because I've gotten used to it. I made it to my job in about 30 minutes or more. Usually I would take the bus but the weather was nice so I took the time to enjoy it. I worked at a small Korean café, they sold things like Korean noodles, kimchi fried rice, coffee, desserts, it was basically a place where you could go on a lunch break or whatever. Honestly, the food was bomb, some of the best on the block if you asked me. Since it was a traditional Korean restaurant customers and workers would have to take there shoes off when they entered. The worker's entrance was on the side. I stepped in greeted by the smell of freshly cooked food. I slipped off my tennis shoes and put on the white crocs that were waiting for me on the shoe rack. I was greeted by Mrs. Cha as I made my way to the locker room where I put my belongings and put my apron on.

I took my station up front at the register patiently waiting for our first customer of the morning it was almost 12 p.m. so usually people would start to pour in for their lunch break but it wasn't really anyone coming in today. "So, watcha been up to JazzyJazz?" I jumped and turned around to she Do-Ha beside me. "I have been literally standing here forever, why is no one coming in Do-Ha?" I asked in confusion. " Eh~, I don't know Jasmine, I hear from Ara that there's a mob up at the Airport." I nodded, " Ah, who's arrived in Seoul today ? " I asked. Do-Ha thought as she scratched her chin. "I think it's BTS, they are back from their fan meeting in Japan." I liked BTS, I enjoyed their music but I wasn't really crazy about them as most fans would be. I just thought that they were 7 guys who liked making music and they were also very handsome. "Oh yea, that's right, well Do-Ha wanna go get Korean Fried chicken ? It's almost break time." Do-Ha's eyes lit up at the sound of chicken, let alone food ( a whole mood) " Girl, you know I want some chicken, LET'S GO!" Do-Ha basically dragged me out of the store as I managed to get my bag. "Mrs. Cha! We are going to get lunch !" I yelled as I was being dragged mercilessly out the door. "Okay girls, be back in an HOUR !" "YES MAM!"

Do-Ha and I made it to the chicken place and placed our orders, we were gonna take it to go and just eat it at work. As we got our orders we exited the restaurant and a group of girls and boys ran past us with cameras and phones in hand almost making Do-Ha and I drop our food, we looked at each other but just shrugged it off and walked back to work. We put our crocs and aprons back on and set the food on the little table behind the counter. I went to Mrs. Cha's office and gave her a bag containing her favorite flavor of chicken and a Coca-Cola. "Thank you, jagi, you've always been so kind to me." I bowed and flashed a smile as I went back to Do-Ha who was already sitting down at the table devouring the chicken. " Damn, Do-Ha is it that good?" she rolled her eyes at me, " Shut up pabo." I laughed, and sat down and began to eat, we chatted as we dined when I heard the bells on the front door jingle several times. I looked at Do-Ha, "What? You think I'm going to go check it out?" she said in Korean "Do-Ha !" she shook her head at me as she pushed me out so I was visible to the customers. "Some friend" I said motioning towards her. She shrugged her shoulders.

I looked up and saw the holy scene in front of me, 7 guys, is this...BTS!?

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