Night falls

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Watch you back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back
We can counter their attack hit them 'til the armor cracks


This could get a little sticky
Handling this battle could be tricky but I know the fast way
Fall back let me lead, you fall in line
And we'll bring them to their knees


Swords in the air if you're with me
They got us out numbered one to fifty
The victory is ours 'cause I got a strategy, you take the left
And the rest of you can follow me (uh uh)

This is my crew


Well this is my squad


This is my turf


Oh my gosh, look guys
We've got bigger fish to fry
Put your differences aside
'Cause right now we're on the same side

Until the night falls, everyone


We'll stay together 'til the battle is done
Watch your back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back we can counter their attack
Hit them 'til the armor cracks

Until the night falls, we're in line, it doesn't mean that we're on the same side
Watch your back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back
Hit them hard and hit them fast they're too heavy to react


This situation's getting kind of heavy
Hold you at the sky keep them steady
'Cause if we stick together we can make it out alive
I'll cause a distraction you attack them from the side


All my soldiers stand if you're ready
We can cut them up like confetti
We'll hit them from the front, you counter from behind
And don't forget the fate of Auradon is on the line


This is all our war, they got us out numbered
The way the swords crash is the sound of the thunder


And we are not going under, we will never run for cover


We battle for the victory and ride for each other


Until the night falls everyone


We'll stay together 'til the battle is done
Back to back, back to back
Back to back, back to back we can counter their attack
Hit them 'til the armor cracks

Until the night falls, we're in line
It doesn't mean that we're on the same side
Back to back, back to back
Back to back, back to back
Hit them hard and hit them fast they're too heavy to react


Suit of armor strong and true
Make this metal bust the move!


Until the night falls, you can trust


I'm gonna help you in this battle because
I got your back, got your back, got your back, got your back
All for one and that's a fact, knights fall pitch black

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