Chapter 7

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"Steve where is Tony?" Natasha asked as Steve made lunch for Morgan and Lilly-Anne, the boys resulted to cafeteria food.

He looked dead.

"Uh I dunno." He sighed. "Lab I think..."

"Steve." Natasha grabbed his hands and pulled him to the counter side glaring at him. "You and Tony are both a mess right now. If I was honest I think you both need a vacation but the kids are a mess too. I love you and Tony and your kids so much but seeing this mess isn't helping. You are Steve Rogers-Stark. A born leader. Talk to them. Lilly-Anne definitely is at a confusing time in her life right now too, I know I've been there."

Steve looked at her and she gave a small smile. "Like I said just talk to her. Be there for the kids and soon enough they will learn how to handle these problems. Families always fight but no matter what they will always get over it with the love they have. Its what makes a family a family."

She walked off and Steve smiled. 'Yeah Natasha is right.' He thought before going back to doing there lunches.

• • •

"Quinn." Lilly-Anne ran to him. He looked at her and ran towards her. She instantly hugged him and sighed. "I'm so sorry about my brothers. You don't have to listen to them we can see one another no matter what they say."

"You sure?" Quinn asked with worry in his eyes.

"Yes Im sure." She smiled. "Come on I have a plan. If they are keeping us apart then who cares about going to school."

"I know a perfect place!"

Quinn and Lilly-Anne made there way out towards the subway taking them to the beach. He brought her around the side of the cliffs that over looked the huge mysterious ocean, and there he sang to her as she blushed at how cute he is. The two stayed there as the day neared closer to the end of school time. Then, headed on back to school.

Peter, Ned, and Noah all went off towards the subway after school, the two boys excited to set foot into the Avengers Tower. Harley picked up Lilly-Anne and Morgan before also making his way towards the tower.

"How was school- Wait a minute." Tony said looking at Peter, Morgan, Lilly-Anne, and two of Peters friends. "Steve last time I checked we didn't have this many children."

"Tony. Steve. I swear I told you all that four was enough." Clint said as he walked by with chips.

"CLINT I WAS SAVING THOSE FOR LATER!" Sam yelled and everyone watched as Clint yelped before quickly clamoring into the vents with an angry Sam on his tail.

"You'll get used to that." Steve told his sons friends. "So what are your names?"

"Hello Sir." Noah smiled shaking Steve's hand. "I'm Noah."

Steve and Tony smiled at his politeness while Ned stared at them, jaw dropped like he is barely seeing them for the first time.

"And Im-" Ned smiled. "I'm-"

"Ned we have met before." Tony face palmed. "Okay you kids go up and do what ever I'll bring snacks up."

"Lilly-Anne, Morgan come sit I have snacks." Steve smiled as his two girls ran towards the kitchen table.

The elevator suddenly opened and in walked Harley. "Sorry I was talking to Aunt Nat downstair-" he stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at Noah.

Shit shit shit no don't give in.

"Harley." Tony smiled. "How was school?"

"It was um great." Harley stuttered.

"Hi Im Noah." Noah waved giving a soft smile. Harley's heart skipped a million beats.

"H-Harley." Harley smiled.

"Anyways." Peter grabbed Ned. "Come on let's go."

"I got to catch up." Noah smiled.

Harley nodded his head and Noah turned around before snapping his fingers and looking back at him "...You know, you have really beautiful eyes." Noah smiled and walked off.


Harley just smiled as his face went red staring into the hallway that Noah went in.

"Harley?" Steve asked his son as he stared into the oblivion. "You okay?"

"Hmm?" Harley asked. "Oh yeah. Sorry. Im going to uh go up to my... my uh..."

"Room?" Steve asked

"Yeah that thing." Harley smiled and ran off.

"You sure adopted some weird kids. Totally matches you both." Bucky said as he entered with the chips Clint was last seen holding.

"Uncle Bucky aren't those Uncle Sams chips?" Morgan asked.

"Shhh." Bucky smirked walking off.

"I wonder what's wrong with Harley. He seemed a bit pale." Tony replied serving Lilly-Anne and Morgan some pizza.

"I dunno maybe he is getting sick?"

"BUCKY!" Two voices growled and out came Sam and Clint as they jumped out of the vents, running off.


"Yes Tony..."

"We need to move." Tony laughed and Steve gave a small chuckle before walking off to make sure there adult children don't murder one another.

• • •

"Hey David." Harley smiled as he sat down on his bed while face timing his best friend.

"Harley!! I have the best plan!" David smirked. "You my ladies man will get Faith for sure!"

Harley sat and just thought. "About that... maybe it's not that bad if Peter and Faith date..."

"What?! No! Harley! You are way more of the lady man. She deserves you!" David replied. Harley bit his lip and sighed before slowly nodding his head.

"Yeah... Im a ladies Man..."

• • •

"BAM!" Peter yelled. Ned and Noah smiled at there new creation the group created for a school project.

The big robot began to roll around the ground. It picked up some clothes and put it to one side.

"We are totally going to win the school project!" Ned excitedly said staring at the creation.

"We should name it." Noah smiled. "Rover!"

"Our little Rover will win." Peter smiled.

"Peter have you thought about how or when you will get Faith." Ned suddenly asked.

"Uh no. I think I might just give it up." Peter sighed. "Maybe Harley does deserve her, and besides there are many more fish in the sea."

"Oh Harley's straight?" Noah looked at the others. "Uh sorry I just- well I thought he was."

"No he is straight." Peter said, picking up Rover.

"He's the ladies man." Ned replied.

Noah nodded his head and the group of boys headed down towards the kitchen to watch a movie.

• • •

"I love you." Lilly-Anne smiled into her computer.

"I love you too Lilly! Got to go good night. Don't forget we will meet up tomorrow at the football game under the bleachers."

"Mkay good night." Lilly-Anne turned off her computer and sighed happily. She carefully got into bed and knocked out excited for the next day.

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