Chapter 12

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"Peter." A voice whispered and Peter slowly opened his eyes to see his dad looking at him.

"D-Dad." Peter whispered before jumping into his arms and softly sobbing. "I-I'm so so sorry. It's my f-fault! I was the next block down! The next block!"

"Shhh Peter." Tony hugged his son tightly. "No one blames you Peter."

Peter didn't even realize that all the Avengers, all of his family, was in the same room looking at Peter and Tony's interactions while also looking at Morgan.

"I'm so sorry." Peter cried and Steve sighed as he pulled him close and the three hugged one another tightly.

The other Avengers looked at one another and left the room wanting the small family to have there alone time. Right when they left Harley began to cry more, Peter was still sobbing into Steve and Tony's shirt, and the two parents looked at one another as tears fell down there face. Lilly-Anne was sleeping on the couch while the boys all began to cry.

"It's okay." Steve reassured as he let go and looked at his family. "We are all apart of the Avengers. We are a strong family, and we will get through this. Morgan is a fighter and she will win this battle."

Tony nodded his head and followed Steve as he sat down next to Morgan. Tony carefully sliding on top of Steve as the couple embraced one another, staring at there unconscious daughter.

Harley and Peter were next to each other, Harley's head on Peters shoulder as Peter pulled him close. The two didn't even acknowledge the fact that they have been fighting for ever, all that mattered was there little sister.

• • •

Lilly-Anne opened her eyes to see herself in a hospital room on the couch. Instantly she remembered what happened and guilt began to flow over her body. Her family was all siting down eating some food while Morgan was unconscious still.

Everyone turned there attention to Lilly-Anne as she began to sob out. Tony and Steve instantly ran to comfort there crying daughter as she began to cry and scream.

"This is all my fault!!" She cried out.

"It's not." Tony said wiping her tears.

"But it is." She looked at them and held in her tears. "I- I was upset. I'm a liar. I was secretly dating Quinn. I found him kissing Addison a girl who I now see was evil."

Everyone looked at one another then her as she continued to cry. "I- I got upset and mad. So I ran... and Morgan saw me running so she ran after me. Oh god I told her so many mean things. I remember running through the street as the numbers were down at 3 seconds. She was far behind me. As soon as I realized I turned around and screamed for her to get out of the street but the- the truck it didn't see her. I watched her get hit... and it was all my fault..." She sobbed into Tony's arms. "I'm so sorry I killed your only daughter."

"Lilly-Anne." Tony said looking into her eyes. "This wasn't your fault. Yes you shouldn't have ever started dating Quinn without our permission. But Morgan getting hit isn't your fault. And she isn't my only daughter. You are my daughter too! Just because she is my offspring doesn't mean anything different than you. I love you all equally no matter if you are blood related or not. We are a family."

Everyone nodded there head and Lilly-Anne hugged him tighter.

"I think we all should have some sleep." Steve said looking at everyone. "It's been a long day."

The kids all huddled together on the couch as Tony gave them blankets from the gift shop inside the hospital. They passed out, leaving Tony and Steve to stare at there daughter who lay still. The only sound was the beep of the heart rate and they hoped and hoped that the beep sound would never ever stop.

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