Chapter 1: A New Reindeer

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A New Reindeer

You’ve all heard the story of the reindeer of old, whose heart was so pure, it out-shined gold.  The one who led Santa on that great stormy night, whose nose lit up like a lantern so bright.  His name was Rudolph, and his tale is known well, but you haven’t heard the truth that I tell.  Few know the true measure, of what happened that night, but our story begins, on a different black night.  A great evil has been waiting, in black ice and in hiding, waiting for the right time, to break his great binding.  On the night Rudolph was born, atop a great ice peak, Jack Frost hatched a plan, one ever so bleak.  For casting him away, and for forgetting his wrath, he would freeze Santa’s home, and block his night path.  A great storm he would send, to prevent Santa’s flight, and attack his great hall, under the cover of night.  Twas this plan of darkness, his mind hatched in sin, while Santa and Dasher, watched on with a grin.  A fine young son, and a fine young flier, his son would be great, no one could be higher.  And so on that night, a great conflict in store, young Rudolph was destined, to save Christmas and soar.

“A fine young son Dasher,” Santa said as he smiled at the young buck, “a fine son indeed.”  He looked to the flier with pride in his eye, “What shall his name be?”

Dasher looked down at his love, her eyes filled with pride as she lay by their son, “His name is Rudolph, and he will be the greatest flier the North Pole has ever seen.”

Santa nodded as he turned to go, “I am sure he will be, just make sure he is a kind and gentle soul.  A great flier is nothing without a noble heart to give him flight.”

Dasher nodded as Santa left, and he walked over to lean over his sleeping son, “A son to be proud of my love, and one who will make a worthy successor.”

“Let us hope he doesn’t have to take it too soon my love.” Ebony said as she looked up at Dasher, “You still have many good years ahead of you.”

Dasher smiled as he gave her an affectionate kiss on the cheek, “I’ll try my best.”  He looked down at Rudolph, “Look at him, so peaceful and pure.”

Rudolph shifted slightly in his sleep, only to sneeze as a piece of hay tickled his nose.  In a blinding flash of red light both Dasher and Ebony shielded their eyes as spots danced across the vision.  Both looked upon their son with wide eyes as the light faded from his nose, though instead of its normal black, it had taken on a slight red tinge.  They shared a look of uncertainty, and made a silent agreement not to share this discovery with anyone.  They would keep this a secret for as long as they could, for fear of their son’s safety and peace of mind.

And so Rudolph grew into a handsome yearling, though the secret his parents had tried to keep had not lasted the night.  Every time Rudolph had flare of emotion, any emotion, his nose would light up like a Christmas tree.  At first those near him shied in fear, but after a while they simply stood by and laughed as Rudolph hung his head in shame.  Even when he started school, the bullying continued.  One young buck by the name of Ace proved to be the worst.  All day long he would taunt and tease Rudolph, to the point that Rudolph feared for his safety.  It was only through the support of Karen, his one and only friend, that Rudolph avoided falling into despair. 

One day, after another punishing day at school, Karen met with Rudolph behind the school building.  Rudolph had no idea why Karen had wanted to speak with him, but he was in for a rude awakening.  As he came around the corner he stopped in shock at what his eyes saw before him.  Ace and two of his cronies had Karen trapped between them, though when he started forward Ace spun around with a dark grin.

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