Chapter 9

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Bella's pov

When we got back to Sam's place I stopped the car and I got out of the car and then my dad, Sue, Seth, Leah, Melissa, Mikaela and Malcolm all followed me out and then we walked over to Sam's house and I opened the door and then we all walked into the house and once we got in everyone turned and gasped when they saw Charlie standing beside Melissa.

I said guys stop staring and then Quil said it worked you really are an Omega and I said yeah I am but I'm more than that and Billy said shocked what what do you mean and Sue said well on the way out of the hospital the receptionist caught us leaving so Bella more or less compelled her to forget us and Jacob said as he walked over to me and hugged me dad what does that mean.

Billy said that Jacob means she has Alpha blood in her and she has it more than you do and I gasped and said no wait but how and my dad said Bella your mom's father was a wolf and he was the Alpha of his pack and then everyone in the room gasped even my kids but then I looked at Sam and I said Sam can my kids sleep in one of your rooms tonight please at least until we get this sorted.

Sam said yes of course they can and I said ok thanks and I looked over to my kids and I said ok let's go bed time and then both Mikaela and Malcolm walked upstairs but Melissa said but mommy I want to know what happens please let us stay and I said no it's past your bed time anyway now let's go but she didn't move so I said Melissa please these last couple of days has been hard on me just as you and your brother and sister and I'm sorry for that but please and she said no I'm staying I want to know what's going on I'm old enough please mommy.

I said no now go to bed now and then she said not going and I said ok fine but if you don't go then I'm sending you to school and only you just like any other kid your age and then she gasped and ran upstairs and shut the room door that her and her brother and sister were in and I just laughed and said gets her every time and then dad said if they don't go to school how do they learn.

I said me and Owen hired a tutor to teach them because we didn't have anytime to pick them up after school because of our job titles and dad said oh right ok and then Emily said Bella I'm so sorry but me and Kim have to leave because we need to go to work and I said yes of course that's ok I'll see you tomorrow and then Kim went over to Jared and kissed him and then Emily went over to Sam and kissed him and then they both left and then Quil senior said Ok everyone we can't ignore what has happened to Bella.

Paul said yeah we know but what do we do and I said well don't even think of doing anything that will disrupt my life and my kids life and my dad said Bella nothing would disrupt your kids life's because you have me and Sue to look after them and I said yeah dad I know but I have made mistakes in their lives dad I mean I made their dad leave because of the imprint when I could have just tried to work out of plan with him for him to see the kids sometime and then me sometimes but I didn't and I just don't want to lose them too I've already lost Renesmee and EJ due to the Cullen's which isn't fair because Mikaela, Melissa and Malcolm don't even know they have another brother and sister out there and I just can't lose them too and dad said you won't Bella because we all will make sure you don't.

I said as I went over to him and hugged him I know you won't dad I love you and my dad said I love you to Bella and then Embry said we need to do something because obviously we all know that Jacob isn't the true Alpha of this pack and I said no no I'm not the Alpha Jacob is and he always will be and then Jacob came over to me and took me away from my dad and he said Bella it's clear your meant to be Alpha not me and I want you to be it you can control more you have more power than I do you know that.

I said yeah but Jake I don't want to be Alpha there is too much responsibility to the job role and Billy said I'm sorry Bella but this is what's going to happen me, Sue and Quil senior are going to make you the main Alpha of this pack and if you want Jacob can be the Beta and I said as I thought about it ok fine I'll do it and Jacob kissed my forehead and said thank you Bella I love you I always have and I said me too Jacob me too.

Billy said as Sue walked away from my dad and went over and stood beside Billy and Quil senior ok Bella lets do this and I said as I walked over to Sue, Billy and Quil senior ok fine lets do it and so Billy said I as main elder of this tribe as the elders in the sky to revoke my son Jacob as Alpha of the la push pack and make Bella Clearwater Charlie and Renee's daughter granddaughter of the famous Alister Clearwater the new new Alpha of the la push pack and then just like that a bright white light shown down in me and I felt so much power going into my wolf it was so amazing and then once it stopped.

Billy then said to me and the wolves now you must all make yourself a pack and claim yourselves to Bella make her your Alpha and then dad said all of you must phase and so I looked over to my dad and I said take care of my kids and my dad said always and so me and the other wolves plus Jacob all went outside and we phased into our wolves and then one by one they all claimed me as there Alpha it went in an order Jacob, then Sam, then Jared, then Paul, then Embry, then Quil, then Seth, then Leah, then Brady and then Collin and once they all claimed me as there Alpha I claimed all them as my pack so now it really happening I'm an Alpha of my own real pack oh I'm going to love this but then I smelt a strange smell.

I thought is that what I think it is and Embry said yes it is it smells like it's coming from the boarder and I said ok Embry, Quil, Brady and Collin stay behind and protect the elders and my kids and the town the rest of you follow me and so all the wolfs thought ok Bella and did what I said and so I started running to the boarder line and I was followed by Jacob, Sam, Jared, Paul, Seth and Leah and then Embry, Quil, Brady and Collin all stayed behind to protect the elder and my kids and the town and as we were running.

I thought Jacob you know vampire scents better than me in fact you all do does it smell bad or good and Sam thought Bella I can't be sure and then Jacob thought yeah me either Bella sorry and I thought no it's ok it was worth a try right and then Jacob, Sam, Jared, Paul, Seth and Leah all thought yeah it was Bella and so we kept running until we got to the boarder and we didn't stop until we stop there.

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