Chapter 7

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Bella's pov

When I got into la push I drove until I got to the reservation and once I got there I said ok kids wake up and so I watched in my rear view mirror and I saw Mikaela and Malcolm wake up but Melissa didn't so I said Melissa Clearwater wake up right now you are in enough trouble as it is and so then the next minute she woke up and I said good thank you now listen to me all 3 of you grandpa is going to be very sick when you meet him so I want you to be careful ok and the 3 of them said ok mommy and then I said as I pulled into Sam's house and parked the car beside Jacob's thank you and so I got out of the car.

I said as I looked back into the car ok guys lets go and so they all got out of the car and came over to me and Melissa said mommy I'm sorry for being cheeky and not listening to you and I said it's ok baby girl just don't do it again ok and she said ok mommy and then I walked towards Sam's front door and when I got there I knocked the door and my kids where standing beside me and a few minutes later the door opened and my step brother Seth stood there and as soon as he saw me he hugged me and said oh my god bella I'm so glad you here.

I said as he let go of me I'm glad to I missed you all even though I lift things on bad terms and Seth said oh no don't worry about it we are just glad your back and I said thanks and then Seth said come on in and I said thanks Seth and so me and my kids walked in and we walked into the living room where I saw all the elders and the pack sitting on the chairs and couches and so once I got in there they all turned and looked shocked to see me and I said hey guys how's it going and Billy said its ok considering Bella who are they as he pointed to my kids and I said as I pointed to introduce each other this is Melissa, Mikaela and then Malcolm and kids these people are Billy, Quil senior, your grandma Sue, Jacob, Sam, Jared, Paul, Embry, Quil, your uncle Seth, your auntie Leah, Brady and Collin and then there is Emily, Kim and Claire and then everyone said hello or hi to each other.

Malcolm said as he ran over to me mommy where is grandpa and I said I'll find out ok and he said ok and walked back over to his sister and then I said ok so why did we all have to meet here I stead of the hospital and Sue said Bella there are things that we need to tell you before we go any further than this and I said sure ok um Emily and Kim would you mind taking my kids into another room please and Emily said yes of course Bella we would be happy to and so Emily took Melissa and Mikaela out of the room and into the kitchen but when Kim went to take Malcolm he didn't let her he just ran over to me and hugged my leg you see he's a mommy's boy he doesn't leave my side so I got down beside him.

I said Malcolm baby it's ok Kim is just taking you into the kitchen while I talk to the others it won't be for long and I'm right here it's ok and Malcolm said mommy I want to stay with you and I said as I kissed his cheek baby I'm going to be busy you can play with your sister now please go with Kim and he said as he let go of me and took Kim's hand ok mommy and then Kim took him and left the room and then I turned and looked to the other and they all looked shocked.

I said what I do know how to handle them after all I've been a parent for 10 years now and Billy said getting upset yeah we know your father went through hell because of it intact the first heart attack he had was because he thought he'd lost you because you'd been away for so long and I said as I started to get mad at him for saying what he did yeah well I left because you were all forcing me to do stuff I didn't want to do so don't go blaming Charlie on me I came back here to help him not to cause him more trouble in fact I left my husband back home to come back here so I would be careful Billy because if you don't I'll take my kids and go.

Billy said ok I'm sorry that's not what we wanted to talk to you about anyway and I said alright what is it and then Sue said Bella we need a miracle the doctors say that no one can help him they say that surgery will only give him at least another 5 months at the least its not going to do much good and I said ok fine then we find something else is there anyway that we can transfer our wolf gene into him at least the healing part and Quil senior said yes there might be a way of doing it but there is only one wolf that has the power to transfer there power to another and I said ok so where do we find him and Sue said its not a him Bella.

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