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Next Sunday August 4, is the all important Portiuncula Indulgence obtained for us by St. Francis of Assis directly from Christ and sanctioned by not less than four Popes:

1. Honorious III (1277)
2. Gregory XV (1622)
3. Clement X (1643)
4. Pius X (1910)

The indulgence can be obtained either on the 2nd of August or the first Sunday thereafter every year (in this case 4th which is also the Feast day of God the Eternal Father, which is celebrated on the first Sunday of August)

Please feel free to check The RACOLTA, this indulgence is there.

Portiuncula is the most powerful indulgence of the Church, more powerful even than Divine Mercy Sunday indulgence, because, Portiuncula is the only plenary indulgence one can receive as often as possible in one day.

Any Catholic who goes to Confession and receive Holy Communion on either August 2nd Sunday August 4th, and prays one our Father, one Hail Mary and One Glory be for the intention of the Pope, will receive total pardon of the punishment due to all the sins he or she has ever commmitted.
GOOGLE: Portiuncula Indulgence and read the bueatiful story of how St. Francis obtained this great indulgence for mankind.

And please share widely so that many souls may console Our Sorrowful Jesus!

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