Chapter 1.

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"I'm telling you one day you'll realize why I gave you the name Sin. You are the Devils child and that's just that." - Sin's Mother Tera

Sin. (Pic in Multimedia.)

Just one look, one look was all it took.

For me to fall in love with this stranger.

Lenden snapped his fingers in my face. I took my eyes off the stranger that had my attention and put it back on my husband. "Sin! I know you hear me calling you. Pay attention Lily and Kay Kay about to peform."

I cleared my throat reverting my eyes to the stage. It was tempting not to look back at that handsome man who just passed by with that girl on his arm. She was really beautiful. She was rocking purple hair and might I add it looked good on her. They also had two other young girls with them. It looked like their kids but the guy looked young, not underaged young. But young enough not to have three kids. But who knows these days men had lots of kids.

"Now welcome Kaylin and Lilian to the stage." We were at our daughter Lilian's talent show for her school. Lilian was 5 years old and was my precious little girl, I wasn't her biological mother, nonetheless I still conisdered her to be mine. I was the one who took care of her all day and night.

Lilian and Kaylin came on the stage.

"Kay Kay!" I turned around looking briefly at the guy and his family. They all stood up holding signs with her name on it.

Lenden stood up as well waving to Lily, he loved her with all his heart I could tell.

Lily and Kay both waved. "I'm Lily."

"I'm Kay Kay."

"And we'll be singing Jesus loves me." They both said in unison. Some guy started to play the piano as the two of them sung. For some 5 year olds they actually sounded really good singing. They sing way better than me.


Lenden swopped Lily up in his arms picking her up off the ground. He kissed on her check and she giggled. "I won." She held up the small trophy she had gotten. Her and Kaylin had won the talent show and got first place.

"I'm so proud of you baby." Lenden smiled giving Lily another kiss. Lily paid no attention to Lenden instead she was admiring the trophy in her hands.

""Look, Sin. Look at my trophy." She always called me by my first name and I suppose I was find with that. I wasn't her biological Mother and she knew that. Her Mother was currently in rehab getting help for her drug addiction.

"Wow it's so pretty. Can I touch it?" I asked.

"Yes." I touched the trophy and smiled back at her. "It's beautiful, Lily."

"Daddy, can I show Mommy my trophy?" She turned her attention back to Lenden. The smile on his face left. I could see him tense up. I already knew the outcome of this situation and it wasn't pretty.

"Lily, I've told you about asking me that." Lenden's voice was real soft it almost came out as a whisper.

"But I want to see her." Lily's eyes filled up with tears as she poked out her bottom lip. I felt her pain of wanting to see her mother. I would too. But she was young and didn't understand what was going on right now. Lenden didn't want her to go see Tyra until she was better and right now she was still a mess. Just last week she tried to escape and she still isn't talking.

"Hey." Kaylin came over tapping Lenden. He turned aorund looking at her. "Yes."

"I'm having a sleep over. Can Lily come?' she asked. She was really pretty and had long hair.

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