Chapter 9

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As you were getting into bed you felt eyes on you. Gazing around you didn't see anything until you felt hands on your shoulders. Jumping around you saw it was only Masky.

"You okay?" He asked softly. It was dark but you could see he had his mask on. "Ye-Yeah I'm fine." You muttered looking down.

As he began walking to the door you grabbed his hand. "could you stay with me tonight?" You asked as he shut your door. You two hopped into your bed as you quickly fell asleep.

I've had enough of this. Throwing on a grey hoodie tying the strings and black jeans, you tossed your black converse on and made sure you had your bracelet.

You grabbed your baseball bat and a few nails nailing them into the bat. You wrapped barb wire around the bat and nails and grabbed your small knife you used to feel safer.

Heading to your parents room you knew your mom wouldn't be home for a while. You crept open the door, Tim was in a deep sleep. You carefully made your way in gripping the bat tighter with each step.

You closed the door as your eyes adjusted to the dark. You looked around for some rope or anything to tie him down with.

You found a package of unopened zip ties and quickly made your way to the bed with them. Opening the package you quickly zippier his right hand moving to his next careful not to move too much to wake him.

Once you got to his right foot you quickly tied it and moved to his left. Your hip hit the bed frame causing him to wake up. You rushed to tie his left and walked to the light switch flicking the lights on.

"Hi Tim." You said chuckling as he tried to loosen the zip ties. You walked over shoving a sock in his mouth and walked back watching him struggle.

"Pathetic." You spat. You took your knife out walking over to him. His screams muffled by the sock. He was wiggling around trying to get away from you. "Oh what's wrong Tim? Don't wanna play MY game? What's that? No?" You laughed lowly. "Apparently no isn't an answer around here huh."

You held his face still as you brought your knife to it. Slicing his bottom eyelids you dragged your knife down to his chin causing a tear like print to form.

His blood was pouring down his face as his tears began mixing with it. You felt amazing. Doing the same to his other side you stepped back watching as he cried out in pain.

You took your bat out dragging it softly down his body giving him small cuts here and there. You lifted the bat above your head as he cried in pain. He was begging but the sock stopped any words from forming.

You swung the bat down on his legs as he screamed through the sock. Laughing you yanked it out moving to his abdomen. Striking down, laughing as you yanked it out.

"What's the matter? Don't like this?" You laughing before raising the bat once more above your head smashing it into his head.

"Pathetic." You said simply tanking the bat out. You turned the lights off shutting the door.

Walking down the stairs to the living room you sat down in the chair holding the bat. You waited for hours until you heard your mothers car pull up.

Laughing you stood up and went up the stairs hidden where she couldn't see you. She walked in dropping her purse on the couch and head toward the stairs.

Taking her shoes off in the process she opened the door tossing her shoes in before turning on the light. You heard her scream as you came up behind her bashing her head in with the bat.

You were covered in their blood. Wiping some onto your hands you spelled out, "rapist" above Tim and "cheater" above your mother.

You left your weapons on the bed and walked into the bathroom. Taking the familiar razor blades you looked at yourself one last time. You raised your arm slicing your throat in one motion.

You began laughing and laughing as the blood made you choke. You died laughing, happy, and free.

Broken Memories (maskyxreader)Where stories live. Discover now