Chapter 14

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You roll under the large bed with BEN as a girl around your age walks in. She was distracted by something on her phone as she walked in and turned on the lights on her ceiling she walked to the windows to shut the curtains.

She had long black hair. She sat down on the bed as you looked over at BEN. "What now?" You mouthed to BEN as he just shrugged. You two laid there for hours until you heard her turn her phone off and lay down.

You two waited a while before rolling out from under the BEN. You could see a lump under the blankets that moved slowly, you kept toward the door as BEN followed behind.

Making your way to Harold's you found a place near the house and settled in. "So you and Masky huh?" BEN looked over at you. He was sitting near you fiddling with some grass. "I suppose. I have a bad feeling about this though."

BEN and you were pretty close and talked about things even if you teo didn't admit it you guys were good friends. "Why's that?" He asked turning his gaze back to the house. "I'm gonna hurt him. And I had a dream.."

"What kind of dream?" "It was of a girl my age, she had blue eyes and long black hair. I don't know her name but I remember the strong smell of strawberries always  near her."

He looked over at you as a car drove nearby. "That girls room we were in, she smelled strongly of strawberries and had black hair. Maybe she's the one from your dream." He said thinking. "There 7 billion people in this world I doubt that is actually her. And i don't really know if guys are my thing. Like sure I love Masky but dating him just feels... off."

"Maybe I can look more into that girl and you can get to know her." BEN watched as a car pulled in the mans driveway. A tall skinny man got out and walked into the house with a girl in her mid 30's followed behind.

BEN wrote down their descriptions in his notebook for slender. "How am I going to tell Masky?" You ask softly. "Just be honest, I'm sure he'll understand since he loves you a lot. And I'm sure if you share how you feel he'll probably feel the same but was too scared to tell you." You sigh as you played with the grass below you.

"I kinda feel bad ya know.... about Loren." You yanked the grass out you were playing with. "Yeah, you were a bit harsh on her with the whole parents thing. I mean sure she lives with inane people and stuff but it wasn't really her fault." BEN watched you yanking the grass up as he tapped his pen.

"I never know how to process those situations, I can't really process emotions and sympathy or empathy like I should. She has a lot coming to her though, I surprised she's even still alive."

You leaned your head back against the rock you were in front of. "You know how it is, what slender says goes. I guess no one wants to deal with his consequences." BEN said.

"I suppose so." Checking your phone for the time you saw your and BEN'ss shift was almost over. "Ready to head back?" You ask as you stood up. You brushed yourself off as BEN followed. Giving a glance toward the black haired girls house you saw her bedroom light now on. Sighing you walked in silence to the mansion.

Once in your room you quickly tossed on a pair of shorts and a baggy hoodie. You hadn't seen Masky all day and assumed he was on one of the overnight missions and would be home soon. You placed your mask on the side table and settled into bed. You let your sleepiness overtake you as you fell into a dreamless sleep.

You sat up stretching your arms to see Masky curled up next to you. Sighing you placed a hand on his cheek as you looked at him. Getting out of bed you carefully stood up walking over Masky to not step on him. You changed and placed your bat behind your back and knives in their spot.

Deciding to leave your bat behind you laid in back against the wall and walked out heading to BEN's

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Deciding to leave your bat behind you laid in back against the wall and walked out heading to BEN's. Luckily he was awake when you walked in hunched over his computer. "I found that girl from your dream. It really was that one girl from the house, her names Erin Heartes. She's 18 and lives alone."

"Where is she right now?" "She's at a small cafe down the street from her house." You thanked him quickly as you raced down the stairs.

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