A Pirate and A Princess: Reincarnated (book four)

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Amanda Jones POV

I looked in the mirror, I felt like I did this before, instead... something bad happened. I just shrugged it off, slipping on a white tank-top and throwing a big Black Veil Brides sweatshirt on. My left shoulder peeked out and it was a bit low in the front, but that's why I wore the undershirt. I had a pair of ripped black leggings that had red underneath them. I had black hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin.

"Goodbye apartment!" I called walking out the front door, my bag draped over one shoulder. I got in my car, a solid black, 2010 Comoro. I kinda inherited a lot from my grandparents, that's why I moved out of my parents house. I stopped by the junkyard, might as well get some stuff. I grabbed several small broken laptops, phones, tablets, shit like that before putting it in my bag. I was an inventor, that's why I dropped out of school, I didn't need it.

I could make money with my inventions, I learned how to program and build robots from my father before he lost his mind, he said he has visions. He always told me I had to meet the fox, the fox was the one. He had completely lost it when he was working in a scientific lab with my grandfather.

There was a chemical explosion, the only known survivor was my dad. We lost many, my grandparents, my brother, my bestest friend. Many family and friends were lost that day. I wiped a tear from my eye as I remembered when I got the news.


The sound snapped me out of my conscious, I picked it up.


"Hey sweety, its mom. Uhm, me and your father bought a pizzaria, well more of your father. I've never seen him so excited, he was jumping in joy when we passed by and it had a 'for sale' sign on it"

"Ok, I need to know this why?"

"Well, your dad wants you to come and fix the animatronics here. Uhm, I'll show you once you get here"

"Ugh, ok. What's the address, I'm on my way"

"NE 539th st, its the only rundown place on the whole street"

"Ok, bye mom, love you"

I hung up the phone, rolling my eyes as I turned around. Luckily it wasn't that far from where I was at the moment, I got there ten minutes flat. I pulled into the parking lot, stepping out of the car. I grabbed my bag, and moved the driver side chair forwards. I grabbed my extra tool set before heading inside. "Sweetheart! Your here", Mom called pulling me into a hug. "Hello mom, glad to be here", I said with a smile, she kissed my cheek.

"The fox! The fox!" My dad yelled running into the room, he grabbed my arm and started dragging me somewhere. "Dad, I'm coming, I'm coming", I said, he let go of my seem and continued to lead me. "The fox!" he yelled once again, opening a door. He shoved me into the room and shut the door behind me, I turned and started to hit the door. "Dad! Let me out! Mom, help!" I screamed, banging on the door. "Fix", my dad said simply, I rolled my eyes and looked around he room.

There was a in against the wall 'Pirate's Cove' and in front of the curtain it said 'Sorry- Out of Order'. I opened the curtain, there sat a animatronic fox. Chest plate gashed into, wires hanging out, endoskeleton visible. His jaw was completely off, resting rusted on the floor next to him. He had a lot of wires hanging out, his head was tilted to the side. "Your lucky mister, I just happen to have scrap metal in my bag that matches your outer covering", I said, I had a problem with talking to inanimated objects, especially when I'm working on them.

"I just need...", I started, pouring out the remains in my bag," a blow torch to weld it in with your chest." I opened my tool box, pulling out a old worn out blow torch. I layed it next to me as i connected the wires in his chest back together. I lit the blow torch, doing it how my dad showed me awhile back. I held the scrap metal to the robots chest, welding them together. I fixed the rest of him, but he wouldn't turn on. Maybe... it was something in his head or I had to program something into the microchip known as a brain.

I grabbed a screwdriver, opening up his head.  "Woah, this isn't... this isn't possible", I muttered to myself, the mechanics were too high tech. This couldn't be possible, it must be a dream. I found the microchip, I took it out and ran to the door, banging on it harshly. "Fix?" my dad asked, slightly opening up the door. "Dad, I need a laptop... now!" I commanded, he opened the door. I charged into the main dining room.

"Mom, do you have a laptop?" I asked in a hurry, she gave me a questioning look. " Yea, wh-" "No gone to explain, give it to me", I said, she grabbed a bag she had sitting on a table near us. She pulled her HP laptop out of the bag and handed it to me.

It was a normal laptop, keyword, was. I fixed up some, it runs on a wireless connection and if needed, can easily hack into any system. I popped the microchip in a compartment in the back, it took about five minutes to upload any data onto the computer. "Dad, come here", I said, he knew what to do, well he should. He looked at the screen typing numbers quickly.

He soon handed me the laptop. He had hacked into the whole system. What was on here was impossible, it had... a free will chip.

This isn't possible, they weren't even created yet. "This... this is epic! Look at this! These haven't even been created yet!" I yelled in excitement. This was a big discovery, really big. "Fox! Fix fox!" dad started to yell again, I rolled my eyes. I took the microchip out of the computer and walked back into Pirate's Cove. I put it back in the animatronics head, his eyes lit a amber color. He pinned me against the wall, his eyes scanned over me. "I've been waiting for awhile to come back. Poor lass, you have t' go first", he said in a deep voice, letting a chuckle escape his sound system... no, it was actually coming from a source like vocal cords.

This fox was going to kill me.

A Pirate and A Broken Princess: Reincarnated (book four)Where stories live. Discover now