| 3 | always, always

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Cameron- 8 years old

Caroline- 7 years old

The leaves in the trees were now a collection of colors due to the new season; oranges, reds and yellows sprinkled all around. The air blowing around was a little crisp and nippy, but it was a nice change after the blistering hot weather everyone in California had to endure this year.

It was October 16th, and the day was a special day.

“Hurry up! We’re going to be late, slow pokes!”

Cameron Dallas, who is now a little taller and his hair getting a little longer so that it would no longer style into a spikey quiff sprinted across the street. And it was obvious the boy was in a hurry. His right hand holding a celebration party gift bag his mother was kind enough to buy a few days ago, the front of it covered with a smiling Scooby-Doo and in his paw he was holding a birthday cake. In his left hand, held tightly onto the strings of a few bright colored balloons that flopped around in protest against the chilly winds.

When he reached the front door of his best friend’s house, he turned to glare at his mother and older sister who were purposely taking their sweet time to cross the street. Knowing how much it bugged Cameron, they only replied with sly smirks but continued with their slow pace.

Cameron might have been imagining it, but he swore his sister slowed down even more.

His feet shuffled in the place where he stood impatiently, and the moment the two girls stepped onto the porch he smashed his finger into the doorbell. And then again when no one immediately answered, and that’s when he heard the door knob jiggle so he took a step back.

A smiling Charlie Smith opened the door widely, looking down to Cameron first but wasn’t able to get a good look at him for long because the boy shot past the man to begin his search for his friend. A booming laugh, straight from Charlie’s core rumbled loud through the foyer of the house shouting to him, “Nice to see you too, Cam.”

“Hey, Charlie.” Was the muttered reply as Cameron began to become confused. Where in the world is she? After a few times of jogging back and forth between the living room and empty kitchen, he stopped a few feet from the two adults and his sister. “Uh, where is she at?”

He knew he didn’t have to justify who he was referring to, and Charlie pointed a long finger towards the back of the house with a grin. “She’s in the backyard with Janet, setting up for the party.”

Cameron then laughed at himself, nodding to Charlie and gave him a short wave. “Thanks!”

And, the boy disappeared seconds later.

He had busted through the back door, his brown eyes instantaneously landing on the back of a girl’s head whose hair was styled in their natural frizzy waves, the locks were the length of her back. It was a little more put together than it usually would have been, and Cameron hadn’t realized he was smiling while he thought of how his friend probably fought with her mother for at least an hour over her hair.

She hated pulling a brush through it, because it was always a tangled mess and nearly impossible to comb all of it out.

With a sweet smile, Janet mumbled something to the girl and pointed towards Cameron who was still awkwardly standing yards away from them waiting on her to notice him.

That’s when a bright green eyed, chubby faced girl spun around with one of the happiest smiles Cameron thinks he’s ever seen. She caught his eyes with her odd colored ones, and started running towards him as fast as she could. It was actually a pretty hilarious sight, as she ran her arms flailed at her sides in excitement and her crazy hair bounced wildly behind her.

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