Save Yourself part 9 section 1

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I'm awake... scared and awake. Gamzee is sobbing at my feet, Dave is sitting down drinking AJ and Summer is pacing the room. I need to say something. I try and sit up, it fucking hurts.. But I sit up anyways. The pain is still there, but I shake it off. Every one has their eyes on me.

  "What the fuck are you guys staring at..." I managed to mumble

"Babe what the fuck?!?" Gamzee stands up but Summer shoves him back down. "Sorry sorry.."

"Look, you had 2 seizures in a matter of half an hour. Lay down, they said doctor will be in here soon." Summer half smiles. Some things up with her. I glare at her and she looks at Dave and sits by him,  grabbing his hand. Nudging him. He sighs and whispers something I can't hear in her ear. She nods and kisses his cheek. Some thing isn't right in the room.. The air was cold and the smell was very clean. I enjoyed it a bit, but then there was a knock and a head popped up from the door. The woman standing there had brown hair, medium long length. Very thick lips and a small frame. She walks up to me and ruffles my hair.

"It's like the gang is back together, huh Summer?" She smiled and let out a high pitch laugh. We all, except Summer, stared at her in confusion. "Oh, you must not remember me. My name is Pamela Arredondo. I used to hang out with Summer all the time. My husband and I work here at the hospital. I'm a nurse, and he's your doctor. He should be in here shortly, but I'm going to check your vitals." I grunted and sat up, but Pam pushed me down.

"What the hell was that for?!" I snapped at her and she frowned.

"Karkat, you don't need to sit up." She replied and began taking note of everything on a monitor. I laid there, grumpy. I hate hospitality. But soon the doctor came in.

"Hi there." He looked at everyone and smiled "Doctor Carlos Arredondo." He shook my hand and pulled the clipboard from my bedside up. He looked at everything and then to me. "Good news, and bad news."

"What are they?!?" Gamzee stood up hysterical

"Good news, nothing is wrong with him as we can see from the tests. But there are some issues. Bad news is that the seizures he had are from stress and the blood he coughed up doesn't explain much, we'd like you all to keep good eyes on him. He might seize again, but thanks to Officer Ferguson. She'll know what to do. You must keep your eating light and take a pill every day, okay? I'll prescribe it, and go to the pharmaceutical area on the first floor. They'll give you pills and next week we'll check up. Okay? But for now, you can get dressed and go on your merry way." He handed me a note of scribbles and walked out with the nurse. I sat up in pain, Summer handed me clothes and her and Dave said they've gotta go do something. She wants us to meet back at her house. Gamzee stood there, wiping away tears. He tries hugging me, but I push him off cause of how fucking bad this hurts. He helps me get dressed and we head down to the pharmacy.


  Man. Poor Karkat. Maybe Summer should live with us. She's nice, but the house would be cramped. Ugh we'll figure it out.. But for now Summer is driving the police car and again, I'm in the passenger seat. We're heading to her house. Eventually we get there and she opens the door. She tells me to sit down and not touch anything. She goes and puts on a pair of thick black gloves, she picks up the contents of Karkat's surprise gift and puts it back in the box and tapes it back up. She then grabs her box and cuts it open. It had a note in it along with some pictures and a necklace. She looks at the pictures and motions me over. All of the pictures are of her and John. That's freaky. The necklace is a locket with a picture of her and John in one, and the other one of those two kissing... jealousy flowing over me. She puts the pictures and locket down, then opens the note. Reading it out loud.

"Hello baby girl~ John here. I noticed you and Dave are together. Heart breaking.. I need to inform you of one of your recent prisoners actually now just getting out of jail and one parol for 4 years! If you guess a beautiful person with the name of Sollux, then ding ding ding! You were right. Sollux made a deal with the judge and she agreed. Isn't that wonderful? Well him and I are just dying to hang out with you two! Meet us at the park at 5 PM tonight. Or else the two lovers shall get it. Toodles~ ♡" she was angry. She put the note down and noticed that it was almost 5 PM now. She wrote a note for Gamzee and Karkat to relax, set the alarm and lock all the doors. Saying that her and I had plans. She changed into a pair of black jeans and a plain black shirt. She put her pistol in the back of her pants. We begun our walk.


As we arrived at the park, we see John and Sollux by the restrooms. Walking towards them, Sollux has a pistol pointed at Summer's head. She stops and raised her arms. John walks up to us and pushes us into the restroom, locking the door. Sollux hand cuffs me to the sink and pushes Summer on the ground.

"Don't touch her!!" I shout at them, but John slaps me. Sollux pulls the gun from her pants and puts it on top of the toilet, far from both of us.

"Now thome cooperathion will be apprethiated here." He looks at her, still at gun point "where are Karkat and Gamthee?" She shakes her head and he kicks her. I freeze up. I can feel the body heat rise. After 20 minutes of no cooperation between her and Sollux. Sollux snaps his fingers. John walks up to Summer and holds her bloody and bruised body against the wall with one hand. He towers over her practically. With his free hand, he pulls down her pants. I open my mouth to scream, but no words come out.. He was going to rape her.. I can't watch. I feel like throwing up... I look at her and she stares at me. Crying and screaming, but I can't hear any of this. I black out from panic.


Now that her pants are down, time for mine. I pull mine down and position at her entrance. She stopped screaming. It's as if my love has died, and a new person was there. I was going to have her though. I bend her over and pull her brown hair back towards me. I gently push myself inside her, then I thrust hard. Hearing small whimpering and crying. I keep the motion going faster and faster. I pull her off the wall and stop thrusting. I turn her towards Sollux. He drops his pants and forces himself in her mouth. She bites him. I smack her in the back of the head. Sollux picks up his pants.

"Thoon," he growls "They'll all get what they detherve!"

//////////// AN
Hey guys. Sorry for not updating. Just everything is bugging me. I'm alone a lot now. Trying to find the one is hard. I'm third wheeling constantly. Ugh life sucks in general. I'll continue soon. Sorry everyone. My deepest sincere.

Save Yourself (Gamzee x Karkat [human])Where stories live. Discover now