Save Yourself part 11

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  It's been a year and a half now. Gamzee, Dave and I all moved into Summer's home. We decided that it would be best. Plus, best friends living together? That's the life guys. Best friends are forever. At first we were all getting back into our normal lives. Summer worked back at the station, Dave became a police officer as well. Gamzee was a mechanic, but I worked on computers. I did it at home though. Gamzee and I have were thinking about having kids. But, I guess that's not an option anymore. We all fucken thought that the damn drama would die down. Guess fucken what.. It did. We were right for a while. It did die down, a bit here and a bit there. Surprisingly, it wasn't drama that ruined our lives. It contributed, but about a year and a half ago something destroyed the world. It took lives away, in a sort. The world went to hell after the government did this to us. Or what at least the news told us. 


"This is the emergency broadcasting system reaching out to everyone and anyone listening. This is not a test. The government has unleashed a virus called "X". Virus "X" has brought the dead back to life, and some living infected. Please everyone lock your windows and doors, board up your house. We will come and evacuate you as soon as possible. This is in God's hands now. Please stay safe." I look at the three sitting down in the room with me. Horrified looks on their faces. We call as many family members as we can, tell them we love them. We then began to barracade the home. After countless hours, we finally finished. Now it was time to wait.

A week later, we start running out of food. We knew, rescue wasn't coming. We peeked from the holes in the boards, the world was coming to an end. Chaos ran the world now. Fires starting, people eating each other, murder, death, destruction. People have slammed on our door for help.. But it was everyone against everyone. We decided to stick to each other. Wedding bands on each one of our fingers, hope coming to an end. This is it, isn't it?.. No. This will not be it. We WILL survive.


Dave, Summer, Gamzee and I are now in a large mall. We found it less than a week ago. It was on the outskirts of town. We boarded it up and put metal reinforcements all around it. Sometimes we can hear the dead roaming around, but most of the times it's quiet. It's a rural place out here. Miles from any living people. Full of clothes, foods, weapons... You name it. We have it. Right now we're finding new outfits. I have on a warm leather coat over a tank top, hard to bite through. I also have thick skinny jeans on, along with steel toed combat boots. Gamzee is wearing something similar, but in all purple along with a purple and black beanie. Dave is wearing red, his dumbass looking like a target for anything. He's just wearing a red teeshirt and black jeans with a pair of running shoes. Summer is wearing tight black jeans with a baggy sweatshirt and running shoes. Time to go check reinforcements. Gamzee and Dave offer to go this time. I hand Gamzee a harpoon kind of thing. Well a lot of them so the noise of a gun doesn't attract those things. They jog off into the distance.

"Summmeeeerrr" I whine, she looks at me confused with a basball bat in her hand. "I'm boooreeeeddd."

"Well. We can always go get something to play with." She looks around

I look around with a grumpy face until she points to the kiddy playground. Her green orbs shine brighter than I have seen in a long time. I growl and then nod. She squeals and we began playing on the playground. Crawling and hiding all around until the guys come back. They smile and wait for us to notice, and when we do. I have red cheek and Summer giggles. 

"Hey babe" Gamzee looks at me with eyes full of lust. I already knew what he wanted. "Let's go to the mattress store on the other side of the mall. There's quite a few in here." He nudges Dave and we ride off in a golf cart thing.


  I smile and look at my wife, with a wink she comes and sits in front of me on the wall. I kiss her cheek, then her neck until she slides her cold hands under my shirt. I shiver and blush, while she laughs and stands up now. I feel really tall in a way. I'm 6'1'' while she's 5'6''. I slightly bend down and pick her up, wrapping her legs around my waist. She began kissing my neck. I walk to the nearest furniture store and drop her on a bed. She slips off her tights, shoes and sweater which reveals her black laced undergarments. I bit my lip. I can feel my pants tighten. I take off everything except my boxers and crawl ontop of her. I want to go slow and cherish this moment. We've only done it like.. 7 times. Suddenly she reaches for her pants, pulling out condoms. She doesn't want to get pregnant.. I smile, even though having a kid might be nice. I wanted a boy before this happened. It would be almost impossible to raise them in this time. I smile and put in next to the bed. A little foreplay won't kill us right? I lay her down with my hand in her hair, kissing her. She licks my bottom lip for permission to enter. Permission granted. I grind onto her while moving to her neck for kissing. I get there as we grind on each other. I can hear her moaning now.. Making my boxers almost unbearable. I bite down on a part of her neck and suck on it. She's moaning as loud as she could now. I stop there and go to the other side of her neck, leaving another mark. Showing what's left of the world that she's mine. I slowly bring it to a stop as she sighs. I smile and unhook her bra. I kiss her left breast, flicking the tip of my tongue on her bud. I look at her and decide that both her and I have had enough. I reach for the condom, ready to make her happy once again.


  Sitting up next to my handsome as hell husband, stretching. Man we reek of sex and sweat. I think it's time to shower! I get up with him, heading to the restroom in the very back of the store. Thank god we got the water running last night. We turn the faucet on, grabbing some paper towels and began to clean each other off. About thirty minutes later we smell so much better and look so cleaner. It's sunset, which means we have to go turn on the electric fence and turn off the power and lights in here to not attract anything. I walk out to the bed and turn the walkie talkie on, radioing Summer.

"Catcher speaking" I could hear the faucet running. I smile a bit and open my mouth.

"Lights out, flashlights on. Time to go turn the fence on and meet in the food court. Clown face out." I put my clothes back on and clip the radio to my hip. Karkat does the same and hands me my heavy duty flashlight. We turn them on as the lights go out suddenly. That means Dave and Summer will be on the roof watching and Karkat and I need to turn the fence on. We head down to the basement, hearing nothing but silence. We flip the switch for the fence and I take a glance at the cars there. Maybe I should get one working soon.. Oh well time to go to the food court for dinner.

  Soon we arrived. Flashlights shone on our faces and then turned off as candles lit the court.

"A bit better for saving batteries" Summer said as she put the food on a large table. Tonight she made some white rice with gravy which is better than you would think. It's very delicious as a matter of fact. And to go along with it, some fresh and warm tortillas and water. The mall has food to last years. A lot of fresh stuff surprisingly. I sat down, with one arm draped around Karkats chair and looked at all of them.

"Thank you Summer, it's the best food we'll have in a year." I said as a chewed on a tortilla I made with the rice and gravy inside. She smiled as she ate a large bite of the tortilla.

"Agreed. Thanks babe." Dave pecked her on the cheek as she shooed him away since his mouth was full. That got a laugh out of everyone except Karkat who was eating but had a mad look on his face. I looked at him as he finally explained how he was feeling.

"Sorry I'm just kind of fucking sick of this. The government has fucked everyone with virus "X". I wish we still lived at home and had showers and warm weather. Now everything is basically grey and cold. The world is going to shit guys. I'm sick of it. I mean we're lucky as hell for once but dammit." He slams his hand in the table as no one flinched except me. I sighed as we finished our meal in peace.

Save Yourself (Gamzee x Karkat [human])Where stories live. Discover now