Save Yourself part 8 section 1

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After about an hour of freaking out, I finally calmed down. Karkat looked exhausted and he was slightly upset that he missed school. Gamzee on the other hand brought out something I haven't seen him do in a long time. He was sitting on the couch, smoking out of a small pipe. It looked like a pen and he said it's called a hookah pen. It's not marijuana apparently, just flavored vapors. He had quit smoking a while back, but he said stress is finally getting to him. All three of us had no shirts on, I saw slight scars running throughout both chests.

"Dave," Gamzee said whilst exhaling. "I can see your interest in our scars."

"Yeah.. Sorry for staring. But how do you have so many?" I look down at my chest.

"Well. We're not going to talk about Karkat's scars. Too much pain. I'll tell you about mine if you'd like to know." I felt his eyes on me. I adjusted my shades and nodded. "Well I come home and see Karkat had been beaten up. I stay until he falls asleep and I decide to go to the bar. I eventually got caught up with the fuckers who did that. They got some good hits on me. As you can see, I have three scars on my face. I usually cover it with what KK calls "Shitt clown make up". I only cover it when I go outside. People don't look at me scared, they look at me funny now. I'm fine with that. But here at the house, I feel comfortable enough again to not wear it. And soon I won't wear it outside either. But the fuck who did it, got his face stomped in. I'm ready to do that again soon." The story had caught Karkat's attention. He smiled knowing that Gamzee won't wear the make up anymore. I nod. We eventually just go on with our days of cleaning the house.



I relax on the couch, sighing. Karkat had decided to go to the college and explain what happened. Gamzee went with him for protection. I feel alone.. I walk up to the stereo system and plug in my iPod. I go through my play list of music. Nothing really interesting catches my eyes except the song This Is War by 30 Seconds to Mars. I click play and the song starts off slow, echoing through the flat. I sit back on the couch scrolling through my phone. I sing a long and scroll. The lyrics blared through my ears.

It's the moment of truth, and the moment to lie,

The moment to live and the moment to die,

The moment to fight, the moment to fight,

To fight, to fight, to fight!

I smille and sing a long and then the door opens by Gamzee. He sees me smiling and singing so he decides to join along. Karkat even joined which surprised the fuck outta me. I pause the music after the song ends and they hold up bags of clothes they picked up from Dirk's like I asked. They explained to Dirk and Bro what happened and they agreed that I should live with these two for a while. I press play once more when the song Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance came on. We all sung along and danced dramatically, but when the dancing commenced Karkat stopped. He went into the kitchen to order Chinese take out. About 45 minutes later our food arrived and we chowed down. It wad getting late so we decided to watch a movie. During about the first quarter of the movie, Gamzee's ringtone went off. It was honking of course. Turns out Kurloz called and he heard an update about the whole Sollux thing. At that point, we didn't care. We just wanted to relax. Kurloz said that Sollux asked for his help and he agreed, but to only spoil it. He loved Gamzee and he is going to mess up all the plans. Sollux apparently has been looking for me and Karkat. I was about to freak out when Gamzee snapped his fingers and Karkat nodded. He was still on the phone, but then Karkat shoved the hookah pen in my mouth and told me to relax. We all smoked hookah throughout the movie. We could care less at this point. A few hours later nothing interesting happened. We all decided to turn in for the night.


Just as I was falling asleep my stupid fucking phone went off. It began vibrating. It vibrated rapidly until I saw the text from Dave. He said he heard something knocking around stuff.. I immediately woke up the pot head next to me. I showed him and covered his mouth. He nodded. I texted Dave to stay in his room and lock the window and door. He said he's under the bed. I sighed and grabbed the bat as Gam grabbed the pistol he kept under the bed. Something was definitely here.. But what...

--------------AUTHOR NOTE.

Hey guys. I apologize for not updating. I'm going through some heavy stuff and I am in high school which is occupying. My deepest and sincere apologies though. I definitively will post another chapter or 2 later on tonight. But thank you so much for over 600 views. I never thought it would get this big! I feel somewhat unworthy of it though. Most of you will not read this, but to those who do. Thank you. ♡


Save Yourself (Gamzee x Karkat [human])Where stories live. Discover now