Chapter Two: {I'm Screaming}

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"He's so cute!" He practically screams into the phone. "I agree," I laugh. "You gonna steal him from me?" Sass. "Nup, he's all yours hun' plus I don't need anyone."

"Sure, sure - what's going on with you and Puck? You seemed eager to get back to it," "It was just another casual, there's nothing between us,"

"Maybe an std." he comments.

"Kurt!" I exclaim - literally shocked at his words - "Daltons changing you man."

"I'm changing... yet you just called me man," he points out.

"How's practice for the 'big show'?" I ask.

"Well - he's cute, but he has every single solo. And they're so top 40, nothing different. You guys are gonna kick our asses." he sighs.

"Step up Kurt!" I try to hype him up a little bit. "I'm planning on doing so, how are you guys doing?" He asks. "We have an assignment - we're gonna crush it, then I think we're doing some other assignment"

"What's the assignment?" He asks. "Can't tell you." I state. "What why?" He demands. "Because it has something to do with regionals - we can't have you stealing it, I know you're desperate to make those warblers better"

"Wow" is all he says. "Wow indeed Hummel"

"Anyway back to guys - seriously you and Puck!" "Kurt you're oblivious - go to bed"

"What? I am not, literally ask anyone at that school as they'd think you were dating" "Unless they actually knew me" I add.

"You didn't deny it" he speaks quickly, so I can't cut him off. "Kurt. Go to sleep!" And I hang up.

Finn😘: hey, wanna hang out after school tomorrow?
Me: yesssssss, I miss hanging out with you
Finn😘: me too, Kurt told me you hung up on him 😂
Me: he keeps bringing puck up - told me that if I asked everyone at school they'd say they thought we were a thing
Finn😘: you wish he was wrong
Finn😘: goodnight!
"I might be at Finns tonight, I'll text you" I say giving my mom a kiss on the cheek. "Ok sweetie, have a good day" she smiles.

I grab my bag and rush out the door, where Pucks car is parked in front of my house. I cock an eyebrow up confused as to why he's here, I usually walk.

"Alena Grayson, get in the car" he yells out the window. "Why are you driving me to school?" I laugh, running over to the car. "Because I want to," he mocks my laugh. "Don't be a fucking dick!" I shove him jokingly. "Don't be a fucking dick!" he copies.

"Shut up," I giggle. He mocks the giggle too. "I'll get out." I threaten. "Ok, ok." he chuckles, starting the car.

"So what did Hummel have to say?" He asks. "Not that it's any of your business - He just thinks he's just super cute," I answer. "You're welcome." "You're welcome?" I give him a confused look. "I'm the one who sent him to Dalton in the first place. If I didn't they wouldn't have met,"

"You don't know that" I challenge. "I'm the reason Hummels got himself a guy, so tell him you're welcome." he ignores my comment. "Say it yourself, he'll argue on that statement also they aren't even together... yet." I say.

"You don't know that."
"I know Kurt, and Kurt would argue with you about it"

"Sure, sure." "Noah, I'm right and you know it" I laugh. "Don't call me that again" he glares at me. "Noah, Noah, Noah" "I'm pulling over" he now threatens. "You called me Alena before!" I whine. "Because you were standing there looking like a lost puppy who needed to be told what to do!" he shoots back.

"Where'd that puck come from?" He shrugs.
I stand at my locker, getting my books. "You ready to perform and get destroyed by me and Finn?" Puck leans against the locker next to mine. "No, but I'm ready to watch you and Finn butcher the choreography" I smirk.

"Fair, fair" he tilts his head to the side. "Me and Santana are gonna crush it." "Sure." sarcasm.

Santana walks past, grabbing my hand as I slam my locker shut. Pulling me into the choir room. "We're going first - just to set the bar real  high" Santana volunteers us. "Confidence - gets you a few points," Mr. Schue nods. "Thanks Will," I grin. "Lena-"

"Will we're starting now." Santana cuts him off. "Ok." he puts his hands up in defence.

"Hit it" I point to will and he starts the song.
We finish singing and dancing. Everyone applauds, I wrap my arms around Santana laughing - "that was great!" "It was great doing it with you!" she smiles at me. "You too." I smile back at her.

"That was amazing ladies," Mr. Schue claps, walking in front of the group as we sit down.

"Who's next to try and miserably fail topping that?" I ask. "Us" Pucks standing up and Finn looks so lost. "Go ahead" Mr. Schue says.

"Wait what?" Finn asks. "Come on" puck pulls him up. "I thought we were going tomo-" "I never said that" Puck cuts Finn off. "But -"

The music starts and they just perform. It's- it's well something I'll admit. When I say something I don't mean it's good, it's terrible... Finn trips over causing Puck to trip over Finn, and Finn ends it with jazz hands which is probably the best thing about the choreography.

Everyone claps anyway, "if that's the competition, wow" Santana mumbles to me, laughing quietly. "Yep" I also laugh quietly.

"Uh, ok. Great job guys!" Mr. Schue claps slowly.

"Awkward," I sing, as Puck sits down in front of me. "This isn't a competition, Alena" Mr. Schue low key scolds me. "Sure." I shoot a smirk at Puck. "I mean - it was really something." I cringe, patting Finn on the back as he walks past back to his seat.
Sorry. I got my phone taken off of me and doing this on my friends phone. Hopefully I'll get it back soon and update. So have this messy chapter :). I edited the chapter and seriously, I'm sorry that this chapter is so trashhhhhhh. I have yet to start the next chapter, but I'll get to it

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