Not so secret kisses, love triangles and a few broken hearts and bones.

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Sorry I have been taking a course for my grammar to improve my story! Hope you like this one is action packed full of secret kisses love triangles and hate! Mwahahaha! sorry for the wait. It's been like forever and I noticed that they had been in the same 48 hours for like 2 months!! the song is Carla's feelings for rosalie its kinda in the name 'cooler than me' by mike posner

It has now been two weeks since me and the Cullen's have found out that I have powers, according to myths there have been human beings to have powers like I have. Apparently the Alice who can see the future from the Volturi had powers when she was human too. Me and Jasp' have gotten closer and closer, Edward has also become a good friend and I love him to bits, but not as much as Jasper. The closer I get to Jasper the Sadder Edward gets but he's also happy at the same time. It is confusing me like crazy. The time I spend with Edward makes him happy like hell! But the time I spend with Jasper makes him act the depressed teenager that he is. It's now the school holidays today hooray! I am going shopping with Esme and Rosalie today, Rosalie only came because Esme said she would ban Rose from kissing Emmet. Her face was priceless when she said that!

"Carla, where do you want to go shopping later today?" Rose asked me in a too sweet voice that should go with a bubble gum advert. Emmet gave her a stern look, I knew he didn't trust her tone of voice. No one did for that matter. "I don't know but I have to get some things from Forever 21, LV and Gucci! Oh, and maybe a bit of Prada!" I said all those just to annoy her, because I know she loves them all and hates that I like them too. "fine, if you say so. Anything for you, sister" She said the last bit through gritted teeth, when Emm saw the look she was giving me he took her attention from me. For which I was grateful. "Thanks Emmet" I mouthed to him and he gave me a grin in return. I loved Emit to bits at first he was the world's scariest guy. Ever! But I grew to like him and got in on his pranks to destroy Edward's life just a little bit. I always got away with it Edward always forgave me. Emmet on the other hand is not so lucky and Edward always ends up in a fight with Emmet destroying one of the house walls rather than Ed's life. Which I find rather funny Esme does not though.

"Okay, lets go, ladies!" Esme shouted from the door. I began to get up and was about a foot away from Esme when an angry Rosalie passed me by, it muddled all of my thoughts for a minute but I soon got control of myself and walked out the door half jumped down the stairs of the porch that had small flowers on either side of the stairs.

"Hey, Emse where do you want to go?" I asked her because I had no idea where she would want to go. I gave her a smile and she grinned back. It seemed she had dimples, how can a vampire have dimples!? Oh well.

"Wherever you want to go dear." She told me with just a slight pause from the smile that seemed to be plastered there.

"And me!" Rose shouted from the front seat of the car. I called shotgun! No fair! Oh well I value my life to much to ask her to move.

We get in the car and I swear I heard rose mumble in a snarky tone "She's not the center of the world" but I chose to ignore her because I don't want to have the fact that I hear voices confirmed. My mum always used to say that I heard things because I always 'supposedly' thought my mum said something. Which was a massive lie! I wasn't stupid ...I think.

"Rose!" Esme scolded, which made me a bit more happy to know that I didn't imagine her saying that. Esme started the car then, turns out she didn't drive 'fast' like the rest of the Cullen's are supposed to do. I put my hand between the two leather seats to turn on the music but Rose's hand beat me there. She put on some cookie-pop-crap song station. What ever happened to real music like, Paramore, Muse, Green day or even Evanscence!

"Can we please change the station? I don't like this type of music." I asked Esme with a smile, I saw out of the corner of my eye that rose gave me a grimace and that brought on my defensive side. Luckily I suppressed it.

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