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*Emily's POV*

It's been a few days since we got back from the championship game. Lindsey never came back to our room that night and Tobin came by early the next morning to grab her stuff. We normally sit next to each other on the plane, but I decided to give her her space.

I've texted her and called her multiple times to see how she's doing but she hasn't returned any of them. It's made me sad that I probably won't get to say goodbye to her, the one person I actually want to say goodbye to. The only thing distracting me from everything is making sure that I have everything that I need packed.

I decide to give her one last shot before I leave.

Me: "Hey, I'd really like to get to say goodbye to you before I leave tomorrow morning. Please let me know if you wanna grab dinner or something."

Hours later I finally get a response.

Lindsey: "Chipotle. 6 'o'clock."

Even though the message is short I'm happy to even get a response at all. I finish packing before it's time to go meet Lindsey.

When I get to Chipotle Lindsey is already there waiting for me. I walk up to her and when we make eye contact I can tell she's been crying.

"Lindsey, are you okay?"

"I'm really sorry Sonny. I should've never treated you how I did the other night. You were only trying to help me but I was just so upset and—"

"No, it's okay Linds. I get it. I'm sorry for kind of just springing Australia on you. I just didn't want to upset you before the game."

"I still shouldn't have said what you said."

"Well don't worry about it anymore. Because I'm here and you're here and there is some delicious guacamole over there waiting for us to eat it." I say pointing over to the counter.

Lindsey laughs. "Let's go, I'm starving."

The whole meal we talk about all the things I have to try to do while I'm over in Australia and Lindsey offers tips about living in another country.

"I only request one thing while you're over there." Lindsey says.

"And what's that?"

"You learn how to perfectly poach an egg. We both know I can't do it, so I need you to learn."

"Well I guess if you're gonna learn to do something you might as well learn from the best."

We finish our burritos and then head out of the restaurant. We get to our cars, parked next to each other, and start to say goodbye. As we hug I can feel Lindsey's tears start to hit my shoulder. I get an idea.

"Hey, here's a crazy idea. How about you come stay the night with me? That way we don't have to say goodbye right now and I don't have to pay for an Uber to the airport in the morning."

"That sounds perfect. Delay our goodbye at least 12 hours."

*Lindsey's POV*

As I'm driving to Sonnett's apartment I can't help but smile at how well dinner went. I wasn't sure she'd be able to forgive me for how I behaved. Another reason for me to love her.

When we get to her apartment we go inside and she has stuff all over the place.

"Dude, what tornado swept through here?" I ask.

"I like to call it the 'I don't know what to pack, by Emily Sonnett."

"Well we can't let you come back to this disaster in five months."

We spent the rest of the evening cleaning. Even the most mundane things Son can make fun. I'm really gonna miss that while she's gone.

"Well I think we did it." Emily says plopping down on her couch.

"Does this mean we have to go to bed now?" I ask dreadfully.

"Not a chance. We have to get a final movie night in."

Sonnett and I both snuggle up in the couch and turn on She's The Man. I can't help but be distracted by her contagious laugh throughout the movie. I'm really gonna miss these simple nights.

"Well I guess this means it's time we have to go to bed." Emily says yawing, while the movie credits roll.

"I guess we better get you rested for your adventure down under tomorrow." I say elbowing her.

We both go and lay down in her bed. Even though things have been great between us we haven't had a sleepover in the longest time. As I'm laying there dreading having to say goodbye in the morning Emily throws herself around me.

"Um what are you doing?" I ask surprised.

"You think I'm gonna leave without getting one last cuddle in from my best friend?"

"You're so weird." I laugh, but in all reality I don't mind at all.

Soon I drift off to sleep, with Emily's arms wrapped around me.

*ring ring* *ring ring*

Emily and I wake up simultaneously to the sound of her alarm going off.

"Ughhhhh." Emily lets out as she rolls over to turn it off.

"Do we have to get up?" I ask.

"Only if you want me to not get fired from the team before I even get there."

"As much as I'd love you to stay, I'd also love for you to experience everything possible."

We both get out of bed and I make us coffee as Emily does last minute checks to make sure she has everything ready.

"Ready to go?" She says eagerly.

The whole drive to the airport I try and soak her presence up as much as possible. I can't believe that I'll have to be without her for the next five months.

We pull up next to the curb under the United Airlines sign. We both hop out and I help Son pull her bags out of the car.

We both stand there looking at each other, dreading what is coming next. Next thing I know she's pulling me into a tight hug.

"It's only five months, I'll be back before you know it." She says into my ear.

"I know. I'm still just gonna miss you so much."

"I'm gonna miss you too!! But fortunately we have technology and we can text and FaceTime until we're practically sick of each other.

"I never get sick of you Em."

She smiles. "Well the more we drag this out the harder it is."

She pulls me into one final hug.

"Bye Linds."

"Goodbye Sonnett."

She walks into the airport waving and soon her back is turned walking away.

I get back into my car and drive away with tears in my eyes, wishing I could fast forward time.

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