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*Lindsey's POV*

I wake up and remember what had just happened the night before. I quickly hop out of bed and go to out to the living room. I was hoping to see a sleeping Sonnett, but instead just an empty couch. I walk over and sit down. I notice a note sitting on my coffee table.

Dear Lindsey,

I'm sorry for messing everything up. I wish that I never would have caught feelings and we could continue being friends, but I don't think we can now. I talked to Mark and he is allowing me to leave the team for the remainder of the season due to personal reasons. I need to go and reassess my future with this club and soccer in general. I hope you understand. Thank you for everything you've done for me. You've been a great best friend.



I can't believe what I just read. There's no way this can be happening. Maybe I can stop her before she goes. I quickly throw on some clothes, get in my car, and drive to Emily's apartment. I walk up and start knocking on her door. When she doesn't answer I start repeating "Emily. Emily please open the door. Emily."

Someone starts yelling back "Lindsey! Lindsey! Lindsey!"

I spin in circles trying to find the voice saying my name.

All of a sudden my eyes fly open and I see my mom standing over me.

"Did you have the dream again?" She asks.

"Yeah. Every night for the past 5 months."

"Well, no time to dwell. You have a flight back to Portland to catch."

"Oh yay." I say sounding nowhere near excited.

As I finish packing my things I can't stop thinking about Sonnett. I haven't heard the official word whether or not she was gonna be a Thorn still or not. I hope she is. I need to figure out how to make things right with her.

We drive to the airport and I say goodbye to my parents and brother. I then make my way through security and to my gate. While waiting to board the plane I scroll through social media. I notice that Sonnett has posted a story on Instagram. It's a picture from her apartment balcony captioned, "Good to be back🌹" I guess this answers whether or not she's coming back.

I land in Portland and make it back to my apartment. I've missed this place. It's been really weird to be away. I quickly unpack and then head to the stadium for our team meeting. When I walk into the locker room I'm bombarded with a hug from Tobin.

"Lindsey!! I've missed you so much."

"Missed you too, Tobes."

"Still haven't heard anything from her?" She asks quietly.


"Yeah, us either. It's all gonna work out Lindsey, believe in that." I smile and walk away.

We all slowly file into the meeting room. I'm staring at the floor until I hear the door open. Sonnett walks in with Mark laughing. I've missed hearing that laugh so much, it brings a small smile to my face. She looks good. I never really noticed how cute she actually is. She takes a seat a few rows away from me and the meeting begins.

After the meeting we all start to leave. I see Sonnett about to leave so I run after and yell, "Hey, Em."

She turns around to see who yelled her name. When she sees me her eyebrows slightly lower.

"Hi Lindsey."

"How have you been? I've missed hearing from you so much."

"I've been good. Been really busy training."

"Yeah, I get that. Wanna grab dinner and catch up?"

"Can't, I have plans." She turns and walks away.

*Emily's POV*

I don't actually have plans. It's just that it's my first night back in Portland and I can't handle seeing Lindsey that much yet. The last 5 months have been such a healing time for me. I broke down one night to Emma and told her that I like girls. She was surprised, but was totally accepting and told me she loves me no matter what. I didn't tell my parents quite yet, but they were worried about me so they made me start seeing a therapist. It helped, but I'm glad to be back on my own again. I'm just not ready to undo all my hardworking at healing quite yet.

When I get home I cook some dinner and sit down on the couch to watch a UVA men's basketball game. While I'm watching I hear my phone buzz. It's a text from Emma.

Emma: "Hi sissy. Just wanted to check in and see how your first day back in Portland has gone?"

Me: "It's been good. Didn't realize how much I missed being here."

Emma: "Good! Have you talked to Lindsey at all?"

Me: "Yeah. After the meeting she asked me how I've been and if I wanted to get dinner, but I said no."

Emma: "Em, you're gonna have to talk to her eventually. She's your best friend, that doesn't have to change."

Me: "She WAS my best friend. We'll talk eventually, but when I'm ready."

I finish watching the game and go to bed. I'm excited for training to start tomorrow.

The next morning I'm woken up by a call from Tobin Heath.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Emily Sonnett. Get up and get dressed we're going to breakfast."

"What?" I ask still half asleep.

"You heard me. Now get down here after you get ready."

I hang up the phone and start getting dressed. I leave my apartment and walk downstairs to find Tobin sitting in her car. I go over and open the door.

"Gooooood morning." She says goofily.

"Where are we going?"

"The cafe we met in a year ago." She replies.

When we get there we both order our food and coffee and go have a seat.

"So Em, how have ya been kid?"

"I've been good. Spent a lot of time with family. Also trained a lot. Good luck megging me this year." I say with a smirk.

"Yeah, well we'll see about that one."

"So how have you been, Hobin Teath?"

"Ahah, that nickname never gets old. I've been good. Christen and I did some traveling. We also spent a lot of with our families."

"That all sounds really nice."

"Yeah it was. Christen wanted me to pass on a message from her and I."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"Look, Em. I hope you know that neither of us wanted any of that to happen. We didn't think things would end as poorly as they did. And when you wouldn't talk to either of us it made us scared that we lost you too."

"No, I know that you guys had me in your best interest. I just couldn't handle talking to anyone attached to the situation. I'm really sorry I left you guys in the dark light that."

"No worries. We're happy to know that you're doing better."

Soon after our food comes. We eat it quickly and head to the stadium for practice. On the ride over to the stadium I smile over at Tobin knowing that things are normal between us again.

At least I have her. Lindsey and I are still strangers.

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