A normal walk.

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*Narrator's P.O.V.*

As Yato laid calmly on the floor of Yukine's room, a thousand thoughts were storming his mind.
"She is an important part of my life. If it hadn't been for her, I wouldn't be what I am right now. Who knows what could've happened if we had never met? Would I have met Yukine? Would I be fighting to be a fortune god? Would I be in love?"

That last question made him blush slightly.
"Why was I in love with her?
He couldn't understand why. He didn't know why. But he didn't need to understand, nor to know why. He was ok with being ignorant.

"Maybe I could gift her something", he thought to himself, "But what? Something she likes.. Or something she may like". He was frustruated. But he didn't know why. It wasn't that important, but he was taking it way too seriously.

Maybe he just needs to relax. Maybe he'll find the answer like that. But only him, a god, knows. Wait, no, not even him. He was the one in the problem. He's a god and he doesn't even knows. It's over, he's lost. Love might just not be his thing.

As the dark-haired god stood up, he took his jacket, put it on and walked out of the room. He was going to see her. He could find some inspiration.
"I want to see her", he thought.


*Hiyori's P.O.V.*

"It has been an exhaustive school day, luckily for me it's Friday! I can go to the mall or eat some ice cream." Finally the weekend has come.

"I just got home, I open the door and shouted -I'm home!-, but nobody answered. I was home alone, so the whole house is for me. Yes!"

I took my shoes off, left my things in my bedroom and took a bath. Just as I finished getting dressed, I hear a tap on my window.

Tap tap tap. Tap tap tap.

I didn't look like it would stop, so I opened the curtains and...
Guess what? Yep, there he is. Yato. I open the window for him to come in. With a smile in my face I greeted him.

-Yo, Hiyori!-
-Hey, Yato. What are you doing here?
-Just wanted to come and say "hi".
-Well you already did so you can go now
-Huh?- He exclaimed -How rude! Greeting your visits like that! Hmm!- He looked away with a fake angry face.
I giggled quietly. -So, do you want to do something? My parents aren't here so we're home alone right now-.

I didn't realize how bad that sounded until a second later. Yato stared at me in amaze and disconcerted, slightly blushing. But I could feel I blushed even harder.

-I-I-I-I'm S-Sorry! I d-didn't mean it in that way! I-I swear!-

I heard him laugh quietly. -It's ok. I understand what you mean-. He said that with a smile drawn on his face. That smile.

-What about we watch some movies?- He suggested.
-Yeah! I agree!-

We walked downstairs to the living room. I went to the kitchen and prepared the snacks, while he chose the movie we were going to watch.

-You done there? I already am!- I asked.
-Yep! I saw one of my favorites and picked it so I hope you like it!
-I sure will!-
I brang the snacks, and some sodas, to the sofa. He helped me with it when I got there. He started playing the movie. I recognized it immediately. T** C***ur**g 2.
"KYAAAAAA!!!" I screamed in my mind.

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