pt. 6

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after about an hour of hugging the younger and crying hardly, he let go of him and picked up his body, he walked over to the room which was his but kind of became theirs and placed him on the bed

he covered him with blankets to make it seem like he was sleeping and stared at him failing completely at controlling his crying "i'm sorry i couldn't give you the funeral you deserved, unlucky till death"

he stared at him for a couple of more minutes while continuing to sob hardly and see how his face was so expressionless unlike the sweet smile he had just a while ago

he finally got the courage to leave so he hopped on the bed, kissed his forehead and played with his hair before standing up and leaving the room knowing it was the last time he would see his body

his plan was to kill chan and then kill himself, but after the younger's death he changed his mind, he couldn't leave things like that, he had to avenge chan, also, if he just killed himself, the other eight would just suffer until the game was over and that would be cruel

he walked over to a room that had tons of guns and grabbed his favorite kind before walking downstairs calmly while trying to stop his tears

after some minutes he could finally suppress his cries so he cleared his throat before shooting around recklessly trying to wake everyone up

in a matter of seconds, the other eight left their bedrooms and walked downstairs quickly as they stared at him and his gun in complete fear

"i'm sorry, but deep down you all know that we were never going to escape anyway" he said without any expression on his face and a serious voice before he started shooting

no one even had a chance to run, he gave them an instant death on purpose and stared at their bodies after, some of them hugging

"so you got what you wanted" jeonghan said angrily talking to the viewers before jazz music started playing and after that, a voice

"congratulations for winning the game yoon jeonghan, your performance was outstanding, in return we already have delivered your price home and hope you had a good time with us, you can now be a part of our staff if you'd like to enjoy future performances, for now, you can leave as our 17th anual winner, thank you for participating"

he shot one of the camera's a death glare and saw the front door which was sealed by metal be opened automatically

it was actually the middle of the day, they just changed the lighting settings to change their perception of time, they had actually been in there for nearly two weeks although it felt like five days tops for them

he walked over to the entrance and left feeling as empty as ever on the inside, but with a purpose, as soon as he got home, his parents greeted him

"we didn't expect you to be such a coward with that little boy's death, but the important thing is that you got us the money, we're proud of you" his had said

jeonghan chuckled sarcastically "oh, i'm so lucky you guys are proud of me, but you know? this one's for chan" he said as he pulled out a hidden gun and killed his father making his mom scream in fear

"you always showed me more compassion than him so i guess before you sent me to the show i wouldn't have killed you, but for now, this one's for chan" he said and shot her too watching her dead body fall beside his father's

he stared at them with hate and then realized how deep inside, he had always wished to see them like that

he got rid of the bodies and then with the information his mom had given him, he found out where the people that had been kidnapping chan lived

he snuck in and stole every bit of information since they had record about everything about the show and it's participants, including the parents of the participants, even the viewers of the show

he would've killed chan's 'parents' too but he wanted them to suffer, so after he stole all the information, he took it to the police and ran away, since giving away the information would let everyone know he was a murderer too, he could've just deleted everything about that year's edition, but he wanted chan's story to be known

and it did, he became a fugitive and soon, half of the world knew about the show because it was all over the news, chan's parents were captured including the parents of the rest of the participants

they would spend the rest of their lives in maximum security prison which made him finally be at peace, since it was all over the news internationally, hashtags were trending saying to remember the participants of the show and how yoon jeonghan was the participant that had to kill everyone to escape the place and that he gave in all the information to the authorities sacrificing himself along the way

but still, he was considered a fugitive for all the murders, although if he turned himself in, his sentence would be reduced for turning in so much more criminals, it made him happy that everyone would remember the participants forever and that they knew about his sacrifice, some even saying that they should let him free

after donating all the money price from the show in the name of chan, he escaped the country, and one afternoon he found himself on top of a skyscraper, he stared at the sunset thinking of chan, he was finally free and his mission had been completed succesfully, now that he was sure justice was made, he could finally rest and reunite with chan

he stared at the bottom of the building and realized it was so high up, he couldn't even see the ending of the fall clearly, so he took a deep breath and took two steps forward feeling the tip of his feet already touching the air

as he was about to take the next step, he hoped for better luck as chan had said, and knew he would meet chan in the next life as he promised, possibly as an idol too, just as the younger would've wanted

he smiled while staring at the sky and took a leap, ready to meet chan again

jeonghan was a trained assassin.

-murder show


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08 ⏰

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