Bloodstream (Bianca's POV)

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Brock and José came in to see us during the weekends with the kids. I've missed my children so much. Eva has been the sweetest little girl - she accepted the whole drag queen thing with ease. She was pretty excited and curious as well as amazed when she learnt about the truth. She told me that she sort of already knew about it especially after Brock and José told her about their own occupations but although she knew, she still did want hear from me what the real deal was. RuPaul was right, my daughter's indeed a smart gal.

We were all seated in the lounge room discussing the living arrangements we're about to have soon.

"Papi, I still want to live with my uncles," Eva said.

"Don't you wanna stay with us here, hunny bun?" Danny asked Eva.

"I do but I will miss Uncle Brock and Uncle José so much," Eva responded with a pout.

"Well, I have an idea, why don't we just all move in together at Brooke's?" José suggested.

"Well, that's not too bad of an idea, baby. The place is enormous and mom's there with Sam and Dee-Dee," Brock responded.

"I miss papi's dogs," Four said which made me chuckle.

"Alright. Alright," I said, "Fine. Danny and I will talk about it. We'll tell you as soon as possible what our decision would be."

"Partyyyy!!!" Eva exclaimed as she high-5 with Brock and José.

"You bitches! You already had a truce!" I half screamed jokingly as I launched forward to tickle Brock and Eva which sent them into a giggling fit.

We were all startled with the knocks on the door.

"Expecting someone?" José asked.

"Fuck no," Danny responded as he stood up.

Danny opened the door and was a bit taken aback as to who was on the front door.

"Hi, Danny," the person greeted him.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"I'm expecting her," I told Danny.

"You are?" Danny asked me sternly as he gave me a look.

"We need to talk. You, me and her," I responded, "Come in, Alyssa."

Alyssa came in and our kids ran towards her.

"Moooomm!!!" Eva and Four said in unison.

Alyssa knelt down to the kids' height and gave them a tight hug.

"I missed you, mommy," Four said as he kissed Alyssa on the cheek, "I love you."

"And mommy loves you too, babe," Alyssa responded before she looked at Eva, "and you too."

"Papi! Come here!" Four called out to me.

"No champ, all good," I responded.

"Papiii!" Eva protested.

I looked at Danny and his expression was unfathomable. It's as if he was torn between his own decisions and his love for my children. I smiled at him and went near where my children and Alyssa were. I patted my kids head and gave them both kisses on the forehead. I then headed for Danny and held his hand.

"Come to the bedroom with me," I whispered on his ear.

Danny just nodded.

Brock and José at that moment were talking in the kitchen. They know what to do. They have to stay in close proximity just in case anything happens.

Danny and I went to our room. I shut the door and locked it.

"What's Ally doing here, Roy?" Danny asked me as he sat on the bed.

"I'm sorry, Dan. Ally just messaged me this morning and told me she was coming. I don't know what for but I just thought maybe that's a good thing to sort things out between you and her. And chola, we haven't even told the kids that we're getting married," I told him.

"I saw how your kids love their mom, willow. It's just probably because Ally was not around that the kids were fine with me as someone else to be there for them," Danny responded.

"Don't think of it that way, babe. Everything's gonna work out just fine. 'Kay-'kay?" I assured him.

"Fuck it. Fine. Party. Let's go out there and figure out what the mother of your kids want from you," Danny replied as he stood up.

I grabbed him by the waist and pressed my lips on his. He kissed back and we sort of made out until Brock knocked on the door and said that they've ordered Italian and it has already arrived.

"We're coming," Danny responded irritably.

"We'll resume later," I told him with a smirk.

He slapped my shoulder in return before we got out of the room. We went straight to the dining room and ate while listening to Four and Eva animatedly telling Alyssa their stories. I just held Danny's hand while we ate.

After dinner, Brock and José took the kids in their room. They'd be staying the night. Alyssa, Danny and myself sat in the lounge room to talk.

"So, after two years, what brought you here?" Danny asked Ally with a brow raised.

I've placed my hand on Danny's lap. Danny looked at me as if asking what and I just looked back at him as if trying to telepathically remind him of our conversation in the bedroom before we had dinner.

"Well, I've been working on myself," Alyssa responded getting our attention, "as I've been in rehab for a year. I've had mental breakdowns after Roy and I had the divorce."

"I'm sorry about that Ally," I apologised.

"Nothing to be sorry about Roy," Alyssa said, "you just wanted to be happy and that's something I couldn't give you."

"What the fuck, bitch!" Danny lashed out.


"No, Roy! What the fuck!" Danny half-screamed at me before pointing fingers at Alyssa, "You, Alyssa Edwards, have not shown up for a couple of years and now that Roy is marrying me, you'll show up out of the blue and go on about how you weren't well after my man left you!"

"Stop yelling at my mom, abba!" Eva yelled as she ran towards Alyssa and hugged her mom tight.

"Sweetie, what are you doing awake? Shouldn't you be with Uncle Brock, sleeping?" Alyssa asked Eva.

"I was going to get a glass of milk for me and Four then I heard abba screaming at papi then you," Eva explained as she gave Danny a sharp look.

Danny looked away and ran out of the lounge room to our bedroom and slammed the door behind him. I stood up to follow but then Alyssa stopped me. Brock and José were already out of their room and Brock was already knocking on the door and Danny let him in.

"We still need to talk Roy," Alyssa said taking my attention away from Danny.

Yoooo!! Wazzup? 🥳 Here's Bianca's POV for you peoples. 😁 Hope you liked it. 👌🏻 Please leave some comments down. I'd highly appreciate it! 😋

Peace out! ✌🏻

Lurvyah huntieeesss! 😘


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