wonjin - lucu

59 6 4

kamu sama wonjin lg di stasiun mrt,

kebetulan kamu ngeliat ada iklan yg lucu,

"wonjiiinnn, aku lucu gaakkk", kamu mulai berpose alay

"hahaha lucu banget kamuu, sini aku foto dulu"

"eH JANGAAAANNNNN, delete dongg"

"aku post di instagram lucu nih"


"ih gapapa, kamu cantik kok"

"ih gapapa, kamu cantik kok"

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Double up nih soalnya yg hyunjin singkat bgt ehe

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Double up nih soalnya yg hyunjin singkat bgt ehe

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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