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When I was young I never wore dresses, skirts, pantyhose, tights, nylons, stockings, etc. I was always the tomboy and no one was going to change that. There was always fights between me and my mother, she was always very lady like, and proper. "One day you will understand, and you will come around." is how our arguments would always end. Still I was stubborn, no one was going to break me, and make me into someone I was not. Then came that one fateful day.....

I threw the package of pantyhose across the room my mother had set on my bed. Went to my dresser, and dug out my black dress pants, and a button up shirt. A few minutes later I slid on my penny loafers and headed to the kitchen. My mother scowled as I walked into the room, and distastefully made her opinion known. "Your grandmother is turning 80 today and I am sure she would like to see what a beautiful lady you have become." I grunted to her comment and she glared at me. "Young lady, I have given in to your whims over and over again, if you won't do this for me, do it for your grandmother and I won't pester you anymore about it." Looking up at my mother I cocked my brow, "You mean it? You won't argue with me about this ever again?" A devious smile started to form on my mothers face. "Thats right, you wear it one time, for the entire day, and I will not fight with you about it again." Turning back around, I left the kitchen and headed back to my room more than eager to bring this never ending fight to a close.

Stripping back down I lay my pants out on the bed, I may wear pantyhose for the day, but I was not going to wear a dress. Once naked I pulled the pantyhose out of the package and gently let it flow across my fingers. Almost electric feelings coursed through my body and I almost forgot how much I didn't want to do this. I worked my feet into the pantyhose and began pulling the compressing sausage tubes up my legs thinking to myself that a woman must be crazy to do this everyday, when true freedom was just sliding on a pair of pants or shorts. As I continued to pull the hose up my legs strange feelings began to occur, and I found myself almost moaning. Working everything into place I let go of the waist band letting it snap into place. But instead of throwing my pants back on, I found myself rubbing the fabric and actually enjoying how soft and nice it made my legs feel. My senses were going on overload, and I found it harder and harder to remember what was so horrible about wearing it. Still sitting on my bed, rubbing my legs I swore I heard a giggle outside my door, and that snapped me back into reality. Throwing on my dress pants and a pair of flats I headed back to the kitchen, and my mother smiled. Sitting down at the table to eat, she asked me if it was as horrible as I thought it would be, shaking my head no, I reminded her that it was a one time deal, and she smiled "We will see, we will see".

After breakfast my mother suggested that I change into a skirt, or a summer dress. Looking at her I scowled, and reminded her that I didn't own any of those things. Smiling my mother went into her own room and brought back a skirt telling me that I could borrow it for the day. Grumbling as I returned to my room I quickly removed my pants and found myself distracted as the pantyhose seemed to amplify all the sensations of my pants as they slid off. Trying to ignore it I slid the skirt up and buttoned it in place. Returning to the kitchen I was dazing out in a sea of sensations as the skirt moved across my legs. Loading up into the car I found myself distracted again, my mother babbled on, but all I could do was sit there unfocused staring at my legs as the sun shined off them. Something inside me was screaming to get the pantyhose off, but honestly it felt so nice I was really having a hard time trying to remember why I didn't wear pantyhose.

At the party, I found gandmother and gave her a long hug. Stepping back I noticed how her legs also shined, and it made me smile. Frowning at me she asked why I was dressed that way, confused I asked her what she meant. Grandmother piped up "I alway enjoy seeing you dressing so freely, being your own person, not like this. I have spent my life like this, and have alway admired how you didn't feel the need" Shaking my head I was confused "But mother told me you would want to see what a young woman I have become, and that I needed to do this" Grandmother scowled, "I will talk to your mom, just promise me that you won't continue, be the woman I have always known, and always wanted to be." Smiling I told her I would, and she went on to continue hellos while I went to the bathroom to remove the pantyhose that I now knew I didn't need to wear.

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