Tricked Part 3

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A year ago I was tricked into my new life as a proper lady by my mother. I have always been a tom boy, and

wanted nothing of the proper lady world. Jeans and shorts were my best friends, socks or bare feet were always a

dream, and I wanted it no other way. By chance my mother made a deal with me on my grandmothers 80th birthday after

another one of our little spats. If I was to wear pantyhose for the day, she would never pester me about it again.

She would leave me alone about it, and I would be allowed to be the tomboy I was without her nagging. I should have

known something was off about it, and I should have known better than to go against my principles even for one


So here I sit in my room, I just finished showering and eagerly work the mind controlling pantyhose back up my

legs. Doing the math on it, I have spend almost 23 hours a day wearing it for the last year, with the exception of

the week I spent with my grandmother trying to break the hold it had on me. I reach over to the bed and pickup the

black dress I had chosen for the occation, and slip on my flats to finish the look. Examining myself in the mirror

I decide that there are worse things I could have chosen to do, and with that I turn and head out of my room.

Walking into the kitchen my mother smiles at me, and I know she is thinking about a year ago when we had our fight.

I sit down and cross my legs trying to savor a sensation that isn't there anymore. Sighing, I eat breakfast before

we head out to the car for grandmothers birthday party.

Once we arrive I find grandmother and as always we embrace. Knowing how hard she tried to help me beat the mind

control hose I always feel so aweful when she shes me like this. But without much other choice I suck it up and

confront her each time we meet. As always though she pretends she doesn't notice and aside the small scowl on her

face we are just as close as ever. Even though I did break my word to her about finding a way to stop wearing the

pantyhose. My mother on the other hand has not been so lucky, grandmother has not forgiven her for tricking me like

she did, and other than simple pleasantries they don't speak much. The party goes smoothly, and as the party

reaches it's busiest point grandmother pulls me to the side. Staring at my legs she asked me if I remembered the

first time she saw me in pantyhose. Lowering my head I said yes, then she lifted my chin and asked me if I

remembered the promise I made her. Trying to lower my head back down again, I said yes again and grandmother sighed

deeply. "It's ok, I understand, I never stopped either. I just wanted you to know that I still loved you just as

much as ever, and I am proud of you." Looking up confused, I asked "Proud of me for what?" Smiling grandmother said

"For the way you are going to handle this" And at that moment she reaches out with both hands and tears the fabric

of my pantyhose on both legs. Looking down in horror I watch the runs spreading quickly down my legs. In a panic I

turn around and run as fast as I can to the bathroom grabbing my purse as I go. Quickly locking the door I set my

purse down and assess the damage. Unsavable, completely ruined, I was in a panic. I reach into my purse for my

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