Tricked Part 5

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Two weeks ago I returned to my pantyhose prison so fast that I honestly couldn't remember ever stopping. It was heavenly, and it always makes me feel so good. The thought of going bare legged repulses me, and I quickly dismiss it. My mother is happy for me, and that makes me happier, after all doesn't a mother only want what is best for her child? I spend almost 24 hours a day wearing it, and when I am alone I love to be a bit naughty and slide a pair of stockings on over my pantyhose.

My mother came to visit today and as we sat at the kitchen table memories came back to me of grandmother being with us and the 3 of us quietly rubbing our own legs and feet together under the table. We sat for a while discussing work and my plans for the house. Afterwards when she went to leave she hugged me tightly and told me she was proud of the beautiful woman I had become. Smiling I blushed slightly and told her I loved her as she left.

Time goes on as it always does, and I found a man named Mike that became a big part of my life. He shared a lot of the same interests with me, and seemed to enjoy the feeling of the pantyhose that covered my legs. Often teasingly I would drape my legs over his lap and he would gently rub the fabric causing a sensory overload that was very difficult to repress. After a month of dating we talked about taking everything to the next step, and we finished the evening walking hand in hand towards my bedroom. Through the entire experience I could tell that my legs were keeping him entranced and before we began I excused myself to get ready. Grabbing a few things before entering the bathroom I closed and locked the door. Removing my clothes down to my silken legs I pulled the pantyhose down just far enough to get a pair of scissors inside and I cut out the gusset area. Careful not to run the precious silk I finished and quickly pulled them back up. Then I worked a pair of stockings up my legs over the hose and attached my garter to hold everything in place. Inspecting my work, I smiled at my reflection in the mirror proud of my handy work.

I took a deep breath and opened the door to the bathroom. Laying across my bed Mike was stripped down to his underwear. Staring at me as I sauntered across the room in nothing but a bra and my hose, his member stood at attention. Sitting on the bed, I looked at Mike and told him that there was something that he needed to know, understand, and become a part of before we could continue any further. Confused he sat up, and told me to go ahead. I told him the entire story, right through to the end, and he listened without interuption. When I finished he asked me what I needed from him, and I smiled knowing he was turning into putty in my hands. "If you are asking me for help, to get out of this mess you are in, I can help. I can do the same thing your grandmother did for you if that is what you need." Shaking my head I said "No, it is too late for that. I cannot go through that again, and besides it has only gotten a stronger hold on me since I started layering it. I have accepted who I am, and who I have become. I am at peace with it, and understand the commitment I have made. But you must understand that to, and be willing to accept me for who I am. I will be waiting out in the living room, when you chose, you know where to find me." Then I got up and walked out ofthe room.

Sitting on the couch I gazed at my prison. I was both euphoric, and disqusted, but reguardless committed. Rubbing a hand across the fabric always brought a smile to my face and this time was no different. I waited patiently on the couch rubbing my legs and moaning as the sensations got stronger and stronger. Reguardless of Mikes choice, this was going to be a busy night for me.

Fifteen minutes later the door opened to my bedroom, and I heard Mike walking down the hall towards me. "I love you" he said, "and if Accepting your lifetime committment to pantyhose is all it takes to be with you, then marry me." Jumping off the couch I ran around it and lept into his arms. "Yes" I screamed out and kissed him deeply. Then as I pulled my lips free from his I took his hand and led him back to my room where we spent the rest of the night exploring each other, and making plans for our future.

Soon after we were married. Then 9 months later Stacy was born, and we couldn't be happier. I honestly never looked back to my youth, and was happy with the choice I had made. Every day I slid my hose off ghostly white legs to shower, and quickly after slid them back up my legs. Taking care of Stacy ended up being my full time job and Mike quickly took over the working position and provided more than enough for us to survive and to keep my habit contained. Each day as Stacy grew I looked forward to sharing this wonderous thing with her, and it always brought a smile to my face when she would rub my legs and ask me when she could put her own on. Time crept by and I continued to experiment with new ways of heightening the rush that slowly seemed to be dimishing. Layering was always fun, but I found I needed to wear 3 pairs of pantyhose now with stockings over the top to bring myself to the same level. A minor inconveinience I would always tell myself as I pulled on another pair and waited patiently for the familiar feelings to start again.

Stacy's 5th birthday party was a small celebration with us, and her grandmother. As always my mother and I spent some time sitting at the table gabbing when she looked down at my legs and got a somber look. "When did you start layering your hose?" she asked. "Shortly after Stacy was born" I replied. Shaking her head my mother looked into my eye's and told me how sorry she was, and if she had known how far I would fall she never would have tricked me into wearing it the first time years ago. Looking at my own legs, and then at hers I shrugged my shoulders and said "Well it really doesn't matter now does it? This is the path that I was forced to take, better or worse, all I can do now is continue to where it takes me." Lowering her head, my mother began sobbing and I embraced her holding her tightly. Shortly later Mike walked in, and my mother blotted her eyes before facing him. "It's time for cake" he said, and we walked into the dining room dropping the subject forever.

My mother passed when Stacy turned 12, and through those years I remembered more and more of my childhood living free, and being the tomboy I was. I made a promise to myself, and to Mike that we would never bring our daughter into this world of pantyhose. That we would discourage her at any corner, or any challenge life threw at us, and he agreed. I wanted for her what my grandmother had wanted for me, and I unlike my mother was going to give her that chance. Slowly rubbing the silken material that covered my lower body, I wondered what life would have been like with the same chance. Then the sensations would start, and my thoughts would drift again.

"We need to get going or we are going to be late for the funeral" I said as I knocked on Stacy's door. A quiet moan came through the door just before Stacy answered in a shaky voice that she was almost ready. Concerned I hovered for a minute in front of her door listening but everything remained quiet on the other side. Knocking again, I told her I was heading to the car and she better be there in 5 minutes or less, or she would be left behind. Once again she said she was almost ready, so I pivoted on my heel and walked to the car. Starting the car, and reving it a few times to let Stacy know I was serious I looked at my watch and groaned. We were late, and everything would be started before we got there. Still looking at my watch I heard the door open and Stacy hopped into the back seat behind me. Looking in the mirror I looked her over and put the car in reverse pulling out of the driveway quicker that I should have. Racing through the streets we made good time, and arrived only a few minutes late.

Quickly we got out of the car, and heels clicking we made our way to the church. Opening the door to the church, and holding it open for Stacy I glanced down and gasp at the sight before me. "What have you done?" I asked her Smiling up at me, she replied "I wanted to be a big girl like you and grandmother today." Shaking with frustration I looked around trying to figure the best solution to this problem. "When did you do this?" I asked her "Last night, I got them when you were showering and slid them up my legs. They feel amazing mom, I see now why you are always wearing them." I was in a panic and didn't know what to do as I stood there staring at her legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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