Part 13

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Christmas was amazing, even though I was basically hopped up on medicine the whole day. It was good. Now it's Feburary and June is ready to pop any day and Trist is struggling with his pregnancy. He is here now with us in the living room well the kids were at day care.

"Ugh... I don't want this anymore. I am just nauseous all the time and my feet are killing me and I'm always tired." It's also the twelfth today. So it's Micheal's thirty-eighth birthday. Seth moved by Tristen and rubbed his back.

"It will be worth it when the baby's here. You are only three months Trist, like thirteen weeks."

"But it's horrible with the morning sickness and now that I am showing a bit James is way overprotective."

"Well he's new to this whole thing. Give him time Trist." It's been like this the past half hour. I can deal with Seth but not Trist. He whines more then him. I've been trying to ignore him and play with Bent. He's gotten big over the past two months. He's become a butterball. He just trying to pinch me again so I grabbed his hand and pretended to bite at it, he started giggling his head off so I did it again and again. My cute baby boy.

"Aww! I can't wait for my baby!" Tristen squealed and got up to take my baby from me. I frowned and scoffed at him. He looked at me and frowned. "What?"

"You were just saying you didn't want it anymore. Now you take my baby from my arms well we were playing." He gave me back Bent and glared at me well his eyes filled with tears.

"You don't have to be an asshole." He yelled before going to the door. Seth glared at me too before following after him.

"Don't ever use that word. Okay Bent? It's a bad word." He drooled and tried to stuff his fist in his mouth. He hasn't got into eating baby food yet so Seth is still breast feeding him. I am going to get an ear full when they get back. I took Bent to the room and we watch some cartoons before he finally dozed off on my chest well I was patting his bum. Then Seth barged in and grabbed the door before it hit the wall. Okay, he's pissed. I carefully got up and put Bent in his crib before following Seth into the living room.

"You went over the line Tyler. That was mean." Seth glared well I sat down.

"I know. I'm sorry, he was just going on and on about the same things for the whole half an hour, then he took baby from me well we were playing. I got a little irritable and I'm sorry. I can handle it when it's you but not someone else." Seth shook his head and sat by me.

"This is his first pregnancy Ty, he needs our support. Even if he is annoying and whining to much. I would've probably done that too if it wasn't for my suicide attempt and depression and whatever else was wrong with me. Wow... I was seriously messed up.... Okay whatever. Anyways we need to be here for him Tyler. You need to apologize. He is really emotional right now and if James comes back to a upset Trist... man you're losing your head." I gulped. Shit... he's right. James is going to kill me if Trist is crying when he comes to pick him up.

"Damn it. Where is he?" I got up and put my shoes on.

"Downstairs. He is waiting by the door for James." I nodded and quickly left and took the elevator down to him. He was leaning on the wall by the door looking out and wiping under his eyes.

"Hey." He looked at me and sniffled before looking back out the door. "Tristen.... I'm sorry. I really am. I'm just not used to being around another guy that's pregnant. With Seth it's easy now. I know how to handle him, with you... I have no clue and I got mad. I'm sorry." He nodded and looked at me.

"I understand. I feel like I jumped into something I wasn't ready for it though. All of this is so overwhelming I just don't know how to take it all in." I walked over to him and hugged him.

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