Chapter 17

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The flight from Victoria to Montréal took about eight and a half hours. I couldn't sleep due to getting a nap in earlier. My body refused to let me get any more sleep than I already had. Leandre offered the bedroom to me but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I let Malik have it. Leandre stayed up for a while typing away on his MacBook. I think he was waiting for me to fall asleep so I pretended to sleep so he could. Which he did after a while.

Once I was sure he was asleep, I watched him for a while. He looks so gentle and peaceful as he sleeps.

After realizing I was creeping on him, I looked out the window at the dark sky that was only lit up by the planes outside lights. I got to watch the sun make its first appearance around six-thirty. Just a few warm rays until seven came and the sun showed itself to me fully.

This was about the time Leandre woke up. He stretched out like a cat in his seat before he noticed I was awake. He stared at me for a moment before the attendant made her way out. She stopped in her tracks as she saw both me and Leandre awake.

"Good morning," She says hesitantly.

"Morning," I greet with a smile.

"Bonjour," Leandre says. His gravelly morning voice has me practically drooling, his French accent is also thicker than usual. His eyebrows furrow as he realizes he spoke French. "Good morning," He repeats.

I smile slightly. Bonjour is one of the few words in French I can actually understand.

"We are fifteen minutes from touching down, sir," The attendant says.

Leandre nods his head in understanding. "Guess I should wake Malik," He says with a grin that has my eyes widening. He's planning something.

The attendant nods her head before she departs back to the cockpit. Leandre then stands up and makes his way to the small bedroom. I can see as he throws the door wide open and stands over the bed with a sleeping Malik. Malik is wrapped up in the blanket like it's a cocoon and I can't help but think it's adorable.

How is it that tough-looking men always look so gentle and peaceful in sleep?

Leandre then surprises me as he jumps onto the bed to body slam right into the sleeping man. Malik lets out a very cat-like growl as he struggles underneath Leandre. Leandre laughs loudly as he pins both of Malik's arms to his sides. Malik cannot move much with the blanket cocooning him and I'm honestly surprised he got his arms free so quickly. I guess fast reflexes really are a supernatural perk.

"Dre!" He shouts as he finally comes to his senses. "What the hell, man?"

Leandre laughs loudly as he rolls off the man and gracefully lands on his feet. He then grabs the edge of the blanket and yanks hard so it unravels around Malik and the man is forcefully rolled off the bed. He lands on the floor with a thud.

"Get up, we are landing," Leandre says and walks out like nothing just happened.

I stay seated as I watch him with wide eyes. What even just happened? Is this really the same Leandre? He's acting completely different now. I guess one could argue that he's finally loosened up now that he's in a more familiar setting and with someone he knows. Honestly, this side of him surprises me, but it's a good surprise.

"Put your seatbelt on, luv," He says as he takes a seat next to me and straps himself in.

I immediately obey just as Malik trudges out of the room grumbling. He takes a seat on the opposite couch as us and straps himself in. He glares playfully at Leandre who looks at him innocently.

"What is the matter, Malik? You look like you found bugs in your bed," Leandre says with a very convincing curious face.

Malik snorts. "I did, you,"

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