Chapter 23

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When Leandre said he would hire a linguistic tutor immediately, he really meant immediately. It's only the next day and I already have my first lesson.

I rest my chin in the palm of my hands as I stare at the whiteboard. I'm currently in the meeting room on the top floor with my new tutor while Leandre works in his office. I would prefer to have Leandre teach me French but I know he already has enough work to do, he doesn't need to add teaching me to his already long list.

Right now, I'm just learning the basics of the French language. Like where the language originated from, why only parts of Canada speak French as their mother tongue, things like that. It's really boring in my opinion but I know I need to learn it in order to understand it. Besides, Leandre took time out of his busy schedule to find a tutor to teach me, and he's paying for it as well. The least I can do is pay attention to the tutor and learn from him, even if what he's teaching is boring.

That's how my days went. Every morning Leandre and I would come to the office early in the morning. We would get breakfast from the restaurant then head up to the top floor where Leandre would go to his office and work, while I would head to the glass meeting room and prepare myself mentally and physically for that day's lessons. Sometimes I would watch Leandre leave his office and head down to another floor to make rounds and to check up on things. I would stay in the office and work with the tutor.

Around twelve-thirty we would break for lunch. Leandre would come get me and we would get lunch from the restaurant downstairs. I would have a two-hour lunch, the first hour and a half would be actually eating with Leandre, the remaining thirty minutes would be me relaxing until the tutor came back for our afternoon session.

The tutor would leave at five in the evening and I would have one hour to myself until Leandre called his day at Cote Enterprise done. When we would get to Leandre's house, he would fix us dinner, which I was surprised to learn that he can cook, and then he would go to his office and work on Pride Leader things after our meal was finished. I took up the role of cleaning since Leandre did the cooking. It's the least I can do with everything he does for me.

We don't see much of each other, only at mealtimes, and I must admit it's pretty lame. I'm supposed to be getting to know him, and the only time that happens is at mealtimes. We live in the same house and yet I hardly see him. The man literally never stops working. He either works for Cote Enterprise or as Pride Leader, either way, he never takes a break from working. Honestly, I don't know how the man hasn't burnt out yet.

I sigh as I place the last plate back into the cupboard. I've finished cleaning the kitchen and it's only eight-thirty. It's Friday so I don't have class until Monday. Leandre changed his schedule so he doesn't go into Cote Enterprise on the weekends, instead, he does Pride work. He tries to get as much done on Saturday as he can so we can spend time together on Sunday, but he still works a lot on Sundays.

This is usually around the time I give Beowulf a call so I pull out my phone and click on his name in my contacts. He picks up on the third ring.

"Hey!" He says cheerfully into the phone.

"Hey," I say with a smile. Hearing his voice is bittersweet. It's great talking to him but it's not the same as actually seeing him in person. I miss seeing him every Sunday.

"How was your day of learning French?" He asks.

I let out a groan. "It's a lot of work," I say as I plop down on the couch. "But, hey, I can understand a few people now. I can't tell you exactly what they are saying, but I can pick up on the general idea of the conversation. And Leandre tries to speak to me in French when we see each other so I can always get practice,"

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