*+ Happy +*

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"Crap!" Benji said once he realized he got syrup all over his desk. Thankfully he moved his photos over onto the other side. Benji moved his plate of waffles to the side as he tried not to get syrup everywhere. He rushed to the bathroom next to his room and got a towel and put a little bit of water on it. He came back to his room to see Blue trying to get to his food. "Blue stop." He picked her up and moved her away form his desk. He wiped up the syrup off his desk and thew the towel into the hamper.

Benji sat back down at his desk again after being rudely interrupted. Benji has been finishing up His portfolio all morning. Hopefully by 12 he'll be able to submit it. He could feel the excitement in him boiling. He really hoped that all this work would pay off in the end. He takes a bite of his waffles as he taps on the keys on his laptop. Benji rarely ever eats breakfast. Considering that he always sleeps in, usually his breakfast starts at around 2pm. But today he was determined to get up early and finish his portfolio. Which is exactly what he did. And he was quite proud of himself for not going back to bed.

• • •

Benji couldn't stop looking through his portfolio over and over again. He had to be hundred percent sure that everything looked the way he wanted it to. He took a deep breath before finally convincing himself that everything was fine. He pressed the submit button on his computer screen. All he felt was relieved and proud of himself for finally finishing his portfolio. There were so many times he just wanted to give up, but he had to keep reminding himself that this was something that was really important to him. He smiled as he made sure everything was saved just in case.

He closed his laptop and picked up his phone to tell Addy the news. "Guess who just finished their portfolio!" Benji cheered into the phone. Addy giggled. "You?" She asked even though the answer was painfully obvious. "I did." He said proudly. "I'm so happy! We need to celebrate." She insisted. How could Benji say no, he was in such a good mood right now. "Let's meetup by your house." Benji says. He could sense how happy was just by hearing her voice. "See you soon!"

• • •

"What do you think?" Addy holds up her notebook showing Benji the drawing she just did. Benji smiled. "It actually looks really good." He says honestly. Addy beamed with happiness. "I really tried hard on this one." She told him as she admired her drawing more. Benji looks at the sunset for a while, he thought about how much he'll miss watching the sunset with Addy. He didn't realize she was staring him until he looked over in the corner of his eye. "So what are you gonna do while I'm gone?" He asks. Addy shrugs looking down at her feet. "Get a job I guess, I wish I had my life together like you do." She says sadly. Benji rolls his eyes.

"I do not have my life planned out," He laughs. "I don't even know what I'm going to do after college." He sighs. Addy slightly smiles. "Maybe me and you could figure something out once you graduate." She says. Benji shrugs. "I dunno, maybe." He says. They both sat silently together. Although they both were so happy to be together, it felt like it wouldn't last. But it wad true though, Benji wouldn't be able to see Addy on a daily basis anymore. He had to keep remaining himself though that this wouldn't be the last time they'd see one another.

"Lemme see your camera." She says breaking Benji out of his thoughts. He passes his camera over to her. She grins as she scoots closer to him. She holds up the camera and takes a quick picture of Benji. The photo slides out and Addy hands it to Benji. "How does it look?" She asks. Benjis smiles once the picture is fully developed. "This is probably better than all the photos I've taken." He laughs. Sue punches his shoulder. "Shut up! Tell me honestly." She giggles. Benji hands the picture back to Addy. "I love it, seriously." He says honestly. Addy seemed pleased by his response.

Addy reaches over in her purse and pulls out another photo. "I think you should keep this, just so you'll have something to remember me by." She says. Benji happily takes the photo from her. "I like the sound of that, and you can keep that pic." He says gesturing to the photo that was in her lap. She dramatically hugged the picture. "I'm really gonna miss you." She says quietly. Benji let out a sigh. "You're making me sad and I haven't even gotten accepted yet." Benji frowns. Addy leans in and hugs him tightly. "You better text me everyday, and sent me pictures and tell me about the new friends you'll make there and-" Addy paused.

Benji immediately realized she was crying. "Hey, don't be like that." Benji says. Addy quickly wipes away her tears and forces a smile. "You're such a crybaby." Benji smiles. He tried to brighten up the mood again, he hated seeing his best friend so devastated. "You have to cry too 'cause now I feel embarrassed." She giggles. Benji hugs her again. "I'll save my tears for when I actually leave." He says. "Don't remind me!" She says. Benji smiles as he pulls away from the hug. He looks up at the sky realizing the sun is practically gone. "We should probably start heading home." He says. Addy sighs. "Can you walk me home?" She smiles. "How could I pass up an opportunity like that."

• • •

This took a bit to long to finish lol, although I'm pretty glad on how it came out, it got a little dramatic by the end so sorry about that :,D anyways I really hope you enjoyed these two chapters since I did both of them at once. Okay anyways see you in the next chapter!

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